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River Talgar in Tien-Shan.

Kazakhstan Climbing Central Asia Talgar peak.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn”
John Muir. «The Mountains of California».
Talgar peak Climbing Hiking Mountaineering.
River Talgar large and deep river of a northern slope of Zailiysky Ala-Tau. It begins three sources which have a set of minor inflows. From them the Left Talgar is deepest. It is formed at merge of glaciers of the Constitution and Tourists at the height of 3500 meters above sea level and flows in the deep gorge.
Average Talgar begins with Shokalsky glacier. In a forest zone the river flows in the narrow valley, places with steep slopes, and Talgar who begins at the bottom of small glaciers of Kolokolnikov and the Metallurgist falls in Right. Glacial waters leave under the earth at once and come to a surface only through 2 kilometers at an ancient frontalyy moraine at the height of 2400 meters above sea level. At an exit from mountains Talgar branches on several inflows.
The right sleeve - Kashkan Talgar (the Escaped Talgar) deviates on the East and through 28 kilometers gives the waters to the river Issyk. The left inflow, does not reach the river Ili, is also lost in friable deposits. Talgar the deep river, has length of 108 kilometers, the area of the pool - 1116 kilometers square, an average annual expense - 10 cubic meters a second.
To an arrangement by all water-collecting part of the pool in a mountain zone - in the field of glaciers, it has glacial type of food. After an exit to the plain Talgar disperses on two rivers which are lost in soil, without reaching the river Ili.
Books: "Nature of Zailiysky Ala Tau", M. Zh. Zhandayev, prod. Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, 1978.
Alexander Petrov.