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Mausoleums Taylak and Atantai.

Kayak trip on the rivers in Kyrgyzstan.
“If diversity is a source of wonder, its opposite - the ubiquitous condensation to some blandly amorphous and singulary generic modern culture that takes for granted an impoverished environment - is a source of dismay. There is, indeed, a fire burning over the earth, taking with it plants and animals, cultures, languages, ancient skills and visionary wisdom. Quelling this flame, and re-inventing the poetry of diversity is perhaps the most importent challenge of our times”
Wade Davis.
Hunting tour in Kyrgyzstan.
Is among monuments of Kyrgyzstan such which are not plotted and until recently did not draw still special attention of researchers. They deserve that they not only were studied, but also brought in "The arch of historical and cultural monuments of Kyrgyzstan" as the testimony of memory and gratitude of the people to the heroes, fighters for freedom and independence.
The speech about the monument unfairly forgotten by scientists, till today esteemed by the locals, with awe who are handing down legends of the hero in honor of whom this mausoleum - mausoleum Taylak was erected one and a half centuries ago.
In that place where the road the first time crosses the river Naryn, in 1 kilometer from falling into it of right-bank inflow - the river Kurtka - in the territory of the settlement of Dzhangi Talap of Ak-Talinsky of the area there is a group of ancient mausoleums.
Time did not spare these pise-walled constructions - the only evidence of architectural art of Kyrgyz of the XVI-XIX century of century. Almost all the sphere of a dome a collapsed, wind and a rain washed away an ornament a coloring of internal rooms, an external decor.
150 years later after construction, Taylak mausoleum represents the impressive architectural complex which is externally constructed in traditional style of the general of the Central Asian cult architecture of the X - XII century of century, bearing the impress the Kyrgyz ornamental art and architecture.
The mausoleum is of interest not only in historical, but also in the architectural plan. The portal of a cult construction is decorated four with the round columns which are narrowed up, and in the top part - five small a cone niches.
According to the portal three threefold door niches (two rectangular and one deep spherical), in two extreme niches - two spherical doorways are located. Behind the portal on a high rectangular socle, on corners four the powerful, narrowed up columns, are two spherical domes.
The mausoleum has two sections. One section, probably, - Taylak, the second - his brother Atantaya. They are connected among themselves by a small spherical doorway. In back and two sidewalls four spherical window openings are located. All mausoleum is built from a burned brick, from within and outside plastered.
The mausoleum is turned by the portal on the southwest. Its sizes 15 x 9 and x 7,5 meters. The monument rather well remained, both domes and the top part of the portal are destroyed only partially. Near the mausoleum Taylak-batyr still the 7th are located small the mausoleum, built, probably, a bit later.
One of them in the architectural concept resembled Taylak mausoleum and is probably constructed by the same master. Other mausoleum - in the form of an fencing with the low portal decorated with decorative niches and a figured laying of a brick.
Mausoleums Taylak and Atantaya - a valuable historical and architectural construction, a tribute to the memory of the famous Kyrgyz hero, fighter for national independence of the people against Tsinsk aggression and the Kokand aggressors.
It is a tribute of grateful memory to our ancestors who once built it with such love and even with risk for life. And therefore not only to study, but also to keep, propagandize monuments such - our debt. It is a live particle of history of the Kyrgyz people, memory of its past.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.