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Photo tour on Lake Wooden.

Wildlife photo tours in Kazakhstan.
“We will find a way, but if we do not succeed, we will build it ourselves”
Short description of a route on lake Wood in Almaty of province:
Almaty - Bayserke settlement - Shelek settlement - Nurly settlement - Lake Wooden - Almaty.
Distance of route: 476 km.
Season: April- September.
Duration of tour: 2 days, 1 night.
Best time for travel: May, June, October.
Detailed program photo tour in sands of Karabaskum:
Photo tours in Almaty region.
Day 1. Almaty - Lake Wood (238 km).
Transfer: Almaty - Bayserke settlement - Shelek settlement – Nurly settlement - the lake is Wooden. Our way from Almaty by a new motorway, which bypasses the settlements of Almaty region. Arriving at the lake, pitch up a tent. Walk around lake Wooden, photographing sands, riparian woodland. Photographing at sunset the lake and the surrounding sands of Karabaskum.
Wood Lake is located on the eastern part of the Karabaskum sands, located at an altitude of 519, 2 meters above sea level. The western part of the lake Asiatic poplar (Populus diversifolia) thickets, mainly here grows Calligonum (Calligonum), Saxaul (Halohylon Bge), Salt tree (Halimodendron), silverberry elaeagnus (Elaeagnus argentea), Russian olive (Elae eema Reeds grow along the shores of the lake.
The length of the lake from southwest to northeast is 1 kilometer 396 meters, the maximum width of the lake in its middle part is 844 meters.
In the southern part of the lake, about 3 kilometers away, there is the marshy waters of the Charyn River, the trail Akterisken. The Karabaskum sands have a latitudinal direction and stretch 20 kilometers from east to west. In the north, the Karabaskum sands are bounded by the left bank of the Ili River.
In the middle part through the sands a marshy river flows, which also has the name Charyn. A small stream Zhylysu, which also flows through the Karabaskum sands from east to west and flows into the Charyn River, originates from the trail Akterisken. Accommodation in tents, overnight.
Day 2. Lake Wooden - Almaty (238 km).
Photographing the sunrise on the background of Lake Wooden and Karabaskum sands. Walk around the lake. Transfer to Almaty.
The note:
The author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and use - from the sanction of the author
Alexander Petrov.