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Darband village.

Tours of the sights of Baysun.
“The first step - especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but not money - the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art”
Chuck Palahniuk.
Visiting the sights of Baysun.
At the foot of Baysuntag, there are the villages of Darband, Sairob, Machai - ancient habitats of people who had a noticeable impact on the cultural life of the whole region. These villages, in turn, are divided into large and small areas (mausoleum), each of which has retained its historical name.
According to reports, the villages of Chambul, Kapchigai, Akmechet, Ispaniyar, Kurgan, Kyzylkishlak, Bazarsai, Koshasia, Birga-bir, Chovdi, Yalgyzbulak, Koskak, Chashmi, Kushkak, Gurum, Sesangi, Tashkan, Kashkay, Kashkay Tully, Pitov, located on the left and right banks of the river.
Many villages with such names are mentioned in historical sources of the Middle Ages. The name of the village of Darband (in the pronunciation of the local population - Derbent) T. Nafasov considers an oronym (types and forms of relief). In his interpretation, darband is an obstacle, an approach, a threshold, the beginning of a path through a mountain; the closest, narrowest place in the gorge.
According to S. Rakhmanov, in Tajik, “gift” means “door”, and “gangs” is closed, that is, “closed door”, which indicates the firmly locked and durable famous Iron Gate near the village. According to field data, the population of Darband is divided into a kind of patronyms, that is, family-related groups that live mixed in the above areas of Darband.
So, the group of Momo Aligi is numerous and comprises 5 branches; the name of the Buchchagi group is associated with the legend of animals and also consists of 5 branches; Shady - Hadjagi - a relatively small group consisting of 4 branches.
For a long time, these family-related groups had been in marriage with each other and to a certain extent maintained marital relations with residents of Sairob, Machai, and Baysun. Representatives of the Darbandi, often found in Baysun, can serve as an example of this.
Kishlak Sairob is located on the side of an ancient trade route. It, in turn, is divided into several mausoleums (localities). In Ilalik, Kabuti, Chinar, Paykum, Kalikurgan, the genus Nimdaha lives, which in turn is divided into small genera - Aulodi Keldik and Aulodi Mardoni.
The turkoni clan, consisting of small clan divisions of aulodi etturk and aulodi arbob, lives in the areas of Kyzyljar, Kuduk, Kali Mushkul, Obgir, Minzhok, Badamchilik. According to B. Karmysheva, the population of Sairob consists of the following four related groups: Keldik, Mardoni, Arbobi and Getty Urug. In addition, Haji and Sayyids live in different parts of the village.
1. Kayumov A. Ethnic composition of the population of the Sherabad oasis // ONU. 1998. No. 3.
2. Karmysheva B.Kh. Essays on the ethnic history of the southern regions of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. M., 1976.
3. Sukhareva O.A. Traditions of a combination of urban and rural occupations in Central Asia at the end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th centuries // Commodity-money relations in
Near and Middle East in the Middle Ages. M., 1979.
4. Esbergenov Kh., Khoshniyazov Zh. Ethnographic motives in Karakalpak folklore. T., 1998.
5. Zhuraev M. Alpomish dostonida mythologist obzlar // Alpomish - њzbek љahramonlik epic. T., 1999.
6. Zarifov H.T. The main motives of the epos "Alpamysh" // About the epos "Alpamysh". T., 1959.
7. Field materials. Baysun, May 1997
8. Field materials. Darband, April 1996
9. Nafasov T. Uzbekiston toponymlarining iso luђati. T., 1988.
10. Rakhmanov Sh.A. New data on the Iron Gate wall // ONU. 1994. No. 1-2.
11. Field materials. Darband, April 1996. Information is written from the words of eighty-five-year-old Haidar Avliyozade coals from Darband.
12. Kislyakov N.A. Sairob Tajiks // SE. 1965. No. 2.
13. Karmysheva B.Kh. Some data on the ethnogenesis of the population of the southern and western regions of Uzbekistan // Brief Communications of the Institute ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1957. Issue. 27.
14. Field materials. Machai, April 1996
"Proceedings of the Baysun scientific expedition." Issue I. Tashkent, 2003. Kayumov A., Ashirov A. "Features of the ethnic composition of the Baysun population."
Alexandra Petrova.