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Korean musical comedy theater in Almaty.

Repertoire of Almaty theaters.
“Theater is not a mirror, but a magnifying glass”
Mayakovsky V.V.
Theatrical life in Almaty.
The State Republican Order of the Badge of Honor, the Korean Theater of Musical Comedy, was established in 1932 in the city of Vladivostok. In 1937, during the forcible resettlement of Koreans from the Far East to Kazakhstan and Central Asia, the theater was also deported.
Some of the artists ended up in Kazakhstan, some in Uzbekistan. Two theaters were formed, which later united and began to work in Kazakhstan: Kyzylorda, Ushtobe, then again in Kyzylorda, and since 1968 - in Almaty.
Here the theater received the status of the state republican musical comedy theater. In 1982, the theater was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Initially, the theater conducted more performances on tours in places of compact residence of Koreans - this is in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and southern Russia.
With the formation of the Ariran ensemble in 1968, the geography of touring trips expanded. The ensemble began to travel with concerts throughout the Soviet Union. Since 1989, the theater began to go on tour abroad: to the Republic of Korea, North Korea, USA, Germany.
For many years, the theater annually shows its work to spectators of the Republic of Korea. Now the theater is located at: Almaty, st. Papanin, No. 70/1. The auditorium has 198 seats. The theater holds 50-70 performances a year, which are attended by up to 35,000 spectators.
The most successful productions are: the drama “And It's All About the Woman” based on the play by Garcia Lorca “The House of Bernard Alba”, the lyric music drama “Ariran” Tsoi Yong Geun, the musical drama “The Legend of the Girl Chun Hyang” Lee Yong Ho, the drama “Memory” Lawrence Son and Stanislav Lee, the drama “The Heirs” by Dulat Isabekov, the musical comedy “Village Quadrille” based on the play by Vladimir Gurkin “Pribaikalsky Quadrille”, the musical “The Legend of Sim Chen” by Tsoi Yen Gyn and Antonina Malyuchenko.
The theater employs: a drama troupe, soloists, vocalists, the Samulnori folklore and ethnographic group, a dance group, and a Premium quartet. Leading artists of the theater: Honored artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Alexander Moon, Rosa Lim, Maya Pak, Zoya Kim, Veniamin Li; Cavalier of the Order of Dostyk, II Degree, honors Kairatkeri Galina Kim; mәdeniet Kairatkerі - Antonina Pyak, Eduard Pak, Roman Tsoi, Anastasia Tsoi and others.
The performances start on weekdays at 19:00, on weekends and holidays - at 16:00. Tickets cost - 500 tenge, for children - 200 tenge.
Official website: www. korteatr. Kz
Email: kor-teatr75 @mail. Ha
Theater address: st. Papanin №70 / 1, corner of the street Yaroslavl.
Phones: +7 (727) 384-82-78, +7 (727) 384-15-27, +7 (727) 384-82-76.
You can get to the theater by bus: 74, 121