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History of theater of young spectators in Almaty.

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"The essence of the theater, the root, the core of the theater is one - actor, actor, actor"
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Theater for Children and Youth N.I. Sats, Russian, state academic (in the name TYUZ - theater of a young spectator). Located at: st. Chaliapin, 22 ang. Altynsarin Ave. Now in his own building (in the former Palace of the AkhBK, since 2000), the Chamber Scene (since 2006) is working, the authors of the project are architects: A.A. Petrova, Z.M. Mustafina, G.S. Dzhakipova; Engineers: G.I. Stulov, G.I. Nikitin; artists: Y. Funkoreneo, V. Tverdokhlebov.
A sample of civil public architecture of the 20th century, included in the register of architectural monuments (1982). In 1995, in connection with the 50th anniversary, the theater was awarded the title “Academic” and the name of its founder, Sats Natalya Ilinichna (1903 - 1993), was the first woman in the world to be an opera director, theater figure, founder and leader of six children's theaters, an active advocate of musical art for children.
The “mother” of children's theaters in the world is the title unanimously awarded to N. I. Sats at the first meeting of the ASSITEZH international center. In Alma-Ata, she lived and worked for 13 years. Initially, the Youth Theater was located in the former Alatau cinema for 585 spectators (1933 - 1936, architect L. Rudnev, H. Nigeman, V. Tverdokhlebov; engineer M. Shaldo, L. Yuzbashev). The building was erected in the capital of Soviet Kazakhstan, on the old city Red Square, at the crossroads of Meshchanskaya (Kabanbai Batyr) and Stalin (now Abylai Khan Ave.) streets, had an important urban and public sound.
The delegates of the First congress of livestock breeders, "Stakhanovites of the Steppe" were the first spectators of the sound film "The Girl Hurries on a Date".
During the Patriotic War, the Lenfilm film factory was located here and the street received the unofficial name of Nevsky Prospekt. At the end of the war, the exiled director in Alma-Ata, director Natalya Sats, received premises for a children’s and youth’s theater.
On September 6, 1944, the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Kazakhstan "On the organization of the Theater of Young Spectators in the city of Almaty was issued."
On November 7, 1945, the Alma-Ata kids for the first time crossed the threshold of the theater (they held children's parties and New Year's Eve in the building, awarded diplomas and medals to the best school graduates).
The Russian troupe began work with the performances The Little Red Riding Hood by E. Schwartz and The Siege of Leiden by I. Stock. In 1948 The premiere of the children's opera "Wolf and the Seven Little Kids" by M. Koval took place.
The building underwent seven reconstructions; on the facade, bas-reliefs of Pushnik and Dzhambul were included in the niches; above the entrance there was a panel “Stalin with the Girl Gels” (artist A. Kroshin); the theater halls “Blue” and “Golden” were decorated in a fabulous decoration.
At the end of the hall there was a yurt with a wooden sculpture “The Singing Dzhambul” (sculptor I. Itkind), with plots of nar. the hero of Amangeldy, the traveler Chokan, the machine gunner Manshuk (interiors, sculpture have been lost over the years).
The Youth Theater was included in the monuments of architecture, history and culture (restoration of 1981 by architect A. Leppik, N. Ripinsky, V. Katsev). The building of the Youth Theater burned down in a fire. Youth Theater moved to the former building of the Kazakh Drama Theater building on Communist Ave., built on the main square of Soviet Alma-Ata named after Comintern, opposite the square to them. A. Imanova.
The auditorium with 800 seats, built in 1957 - 1962, the authors of the project are architects A.A. Leppik, N.I. Ripinsky, V.Z. Katsev, B.N. Tyutin; authors of a decorative panel it is thin. E. Sidorkin, O. Bogomolov (reconstruction of 1968).
Monument of architecture, re-entered in the register of monuments in 1986. The history of buildings and the creative team is marked by social events, Komsomol and pioneer events, the development of the city of Almaty of the 20th century.
In 1985, the Youth Theater was divided into two independent groups, the Russian Youth Theater named after N. Sats and Kazakh Youth Theater named after G. Musrepova. At the cradle of the Youth Theater there were remarkable cultural figures who left a bright trace in the history of the art of our country - Sergey Eisenstein, Nikolai Cherkasov, Vera Maretskaya, Vladimir Lugovskoy and many other great creators of the country.
Each period in the development of the Youth Theater is marked by the search for new forms and means of expression. Developing the traditions of Natalia Sats, subsequent directors I. S. Baron, A. L. Madievsky, V. Zhezmer, E. Prasolov and others enriched the theater with new discoveries.
In 1986, the theater performs in a new building in the city center, called the "New Stage", where B.N. Preobrazhensky staged the performances “State of emergency of a district scale” by Y. Polyakov, “Two in the Steppe” by E. Kazakevich, “Doctor Zhivago” by B. Pasternak, “The White Cross” by M. Bulgakov, “Scythian Passion is a Just Misfortune” by O. Suleimenov, “ Accept the collection of motley chapters .. ”A. Pushkin,“ Hamlet ”by W. Shakespeare,“ Unprecedented Confusion ”(Examiner) by N. Gogol. Today, the theater’s repertoire includes performances on the main stage: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” (A. Pushkin), “Fly-Tsokotuha” (K. Chukovsky), “Bunny-Zaznayka” (S. Mikhalkov), “Golden Tea” (S. Kozlov), “The Tale of Nolik, without which tomorrow will not come” (G. Danatarov), “The Tale of the Golden Throne, the Blue Flower and the Old Dombra” (E. Prasolov), “The Magic Lamp of Aladdin” (O. Emelyanova),“ Two Baba Yagi ”(R.Sef, N. Karelina),“ Little Red Riding Hood ”(E. Schwartz),“ Snow White ”(based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale),“ Talisman ”(based on the novel by V. Tokareva),“ Sunset "(I. Babel)," Woe about the mind "(A. Griboe s), "Romeo and Juliet" (William Shakespeare), "White Cloud of Genghis Khan" (Chingiz Aitmatov), "Timur and his team" (Gaidar), "Cat's House" (S. Marshak).
Matveeva L.A. Palace of Culture AKHBK. The building of the Kakhakh drama theater. M.O. Auezova -In the book:
Monuments of history and culture of Almaty. Catalog of documents of the Archives and Documentation Management and the Central Administration of the City of Almaty. - Almaty, Oner Publishing House, 2003, ss. 120 - 121, pp. 90 - 91;
Malinovskaya E.G., Proskurin V.N. Theater of Young Spectators. - In the book :
Collection of historical and cultural monuments of the city of Almaty. - Almaty, Kazakh Encyclopedia LLP, 2006, pp. 306-308;
Manannikova L.B. I come from the Youth Theater, Almaty, 2010, p. 424; Sats N. Novels of my life, Prince 1-I, M., 1984, p. 496
Vladimir Proskurin (Berlin).