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Monument of Satpayev in Almaty.

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Claude Bernard.
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Monument of monumental art K.I. Satpaev at the intersection of Satpayev and Baitursynov streets to a geologist, scientist, public figure, laureate of the Lenin Prize, USSR State Prize, organizer and first president of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. K. Satpayev (1899 - 1964) was established in 1999.
Authors: sculptors T.S. Dosmagambetov, O.G. Prokopyev, architects A. Kainarbaev, B.F. Dosma Gambetov. The monument was erected near the building of the National Technical University of Almaty named after K. Satpayev.
The monument was built on a multi-stage stylobate. The pedestal of the monument consists of two cubes of rectangular shape, the lower of them stands on the site. The monument is located in the center of a small square, lined with curly tiles.
The sculpture of the academician is cast in bronze and stands on the top of the pedestal. The total area of the monument is 0.6 hectares, and the height of the monument is 3.80 meters. The monument was erected in a festive setting in 1999.
The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with its 100th anniversary. At the opening ceremony was attended by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev April 10, 2000. About the construction of the monument to Kanysh Satpayev in the city of Alma-Ata. October 28, 1987 Decision of the Alma-Ata City Executive Committee N24 / 538 (Central Administration of the city of Almaty. F.174. Op. 29. D. 2280. L. 117.118).
About the monument of monumental art K.I. Satpayev. September 21, 2001 Passport (RNIPI PMK). On giving the monument to K.I. Satpayev status of a monument of monumental significance. September 26, 2001. Decision of the 12th session of the Maslikhat of the 2nd convocation (Archive of the Akim’s Office in Almaty. September, 2001).
About the construction of the monument to Kanysh Satpayev in the city of Alma-Ata. October 28, 1987 Decision of the Alma-Ata City Executive Committee N24 / 538 (Central Administration of the city of Almaty. F.174. Op. 29. D. 2280. L. 117.118).
About the monument of monumental art K.I. Satpayev. September 21, 2001 Passport (RNIPI PMK). On giving the monument to K.I. Satpayev status of a monument of monumental significance. September 26, 2001. Decision of the 12th session of the Maslikhat of the 2nd convocation (Archive of the Akim’s Office in Almaty. September, 2001).
Kanysh Satpayev was born on April 12, 1899 in the family of an educated nomad (he could read, write, knew the Arabic language and Surahs of the Koran by heart). From birth, Kanysh Satpayev bore a different name - Gabdul-Gani.
In the Russian-Kazakh school in the first grade he was enrolled in the Russian language Kanysh and under this name he became known throughout the world. Satpaev entered the teacher’s seminary after leaving school, then to the mining department of the Tomsk Technological Institute.
From his youth, Satpayev strove for knowledge, was interested in everything new and was engaged in self-education. Satpayev compiled a textbook of algebra, collected works of folk art, studied stone sculptures, architectural monuments and cave paintings, and was interested in archeology.
In one of the halls of the Hermitage there is a plate with the inscription Timur, discovered by a future archaeologist near the Ulytau ridge on the slope of Mount Altynshok. Satpayev was also interested in the humanities. In 1927, in Moscow, he published the book "Er-Edige", which is a monument to the oral folk art of Kazakhstan.
Under his leadership and initiative, work began on the publication of a multi-volume history of Kazakhstan and the collected works of Ch. Valikhanov. The special merits of the academician include the discovery of the Nizatas and Dzhezdy manganese ore deposits, which provided the needs for the ferrous metallurgy of the plants of the Urals and Siberia during the Great Patriotic War
Matveeva L.A. Monument to the "Warriors of Kazakhstan."
In the book: Monuments of history and culture of Almaty. The catalog of documents of the Office of Archives and Documentation and the Central Administration of the City of Almaty.-Almaty, Oner Publishing House, 2003, p. 183
Vladimir Proskurin (Berlin).