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Burial place of Asat Alpysuly.

Historical monuments of Kazakhstan.
“Don't decide anything rashly,
Without thinking, there’s nothing to act"
Ibn Sina.
The historical heritage of Kazakhstan.
Location of sacral place: Akmola region, Zarendi district. Data on sacral site: Zerendi district is rich in famous and respected people, one of whom was Asat Alpysuly from the Zharmenke clan – Barak. Asat was able to solve complicated conflicts only with one word.
He became famous among people by a rational mind, resourcefulness, clear judgments, impartial judging of quarrels and strife. Based on historical facts, the researchers found that the judging of the Kazakh biys included a discussion of the case in public, which aroused the confidence of the common people.
In difficult times for the Kazakh Khanate (aggression by the Jungars), Asat Alpysuly was able to show his leadership qualities. Together with Tole biy, Kabanbai, Bogenbai and Zhanybek batyrs, they created national levy that fought for the liberation of their native land.
There are historical legends about Asat Alpysuly in folk literature. Proverbs and sayings went to the people, the instructive words of Asat Alpysuly became catch phrases. Asat Alpysuly also proved to be a talented architect by the way of building beautiful structures.
He was born in 1827 in an area near the present village of Karashilik. Now Kishitukti forestry is situated in this place. Asat Alpysuly became a volost ruler in that village, a stream was named after him, which flows to this day and is called Asat ata stream.
The burial place of the historical person is fenced and a mausoleum was erected in his honor. Local population still knows and retells many historical stories about Asat ata, some of them are associated with the era of immigrants.
One of the brightest stories is the meeting of the governor of Omsk, who came to Kazakhstan with a revision of the lands to open villages for the immigrants. Then, during the negotiations, Asat Alpysuly forced Russian governor to recognize the influence of the biys and the foremen on a par with peerage.
Asat died in 1875. He was a great and wise man who deserves to be remembered and honored by future generations. To this day, residents of the entire region come to the place of burial of the great biy as a token of gratitude.
Stories of local historians and local residents.