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Petroglyphs Small Koytas.

Petroglyphs Site Tour Kazakhstan.
“The fact from which history is made must live in the soul of the historian”
Benedetto Croce.
Tours on petroglyphs of around Almaty.
Petroglyphs in the Maly Koitas valley are located at an altitude of 1228 meters above sea level on the right bank, at the mouth of Maly Usek into the Usek River. The petroglyphs are located on the southeastern slope of the Koitas Mountains, 16.2 kilometers northwest of the village of Enbekshi in the Panfilov district of the Almaty region.
A total of 8 locations were identified, moreover, only one of them is large, the remaining groups are represented by several dozens or several images. The central sanctuary is located 42 kilometers from Zharkent at the confluence of the Middle and Small Usek.
Petroglyphs are located both on the hill separating the Small and Middle Truncate, and at the foot of it on the floodplain terrace. The drawings are embossed on large granite boulder stones formed in the postglacial period.
A feature of this monument is that here the bulk are petroglyphs of the Early Iron Age. Their total number is about one and a half thousand. On the rocks, figures of wild boars, deer, horses, goats, argali, horse riders are beaten out.
The set of plots is somewhat monotonous. Similar images are often found among the monuments of the Saka time. The central part of this group of petroglyphs is a large stone measuring 8 meters in diameter with figures of wild boars. All images are made in a typical "animal" style.
Four figures are silhouette, the fifth is made by contour. Near large, about a meter, figures of wild boars carved small images of a wild boar, horse and goat. The combination of silhouette and contour embossment is a characteristic device in rock art of the early Saka time.
In the valley, 4 – 5 different variants were noted in the images of goats, argali and deer. For example, individual figures of goats, argali, often sketchy, are decorated either with lyre-shaped horns, volutes, or spiral-shaped horns.
Deer horns are in the form of branches, sometimes 8-shaped curls.
Geographic coordinates of the petroglyphs of Maliy Koitas: N44 ° 27'28.68 "E79 ° 49'12.91"
Alexander Petrov.
Maryashev A.N., Goryachev A.A. Rock paintings of the Seven Rivers. Almaty, 2002. 2.3. Petroglyphs of the Maly Koytas tract in the valley of the Usek river.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.