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Museum of Local Lore in Denisovka.

Excursions to museums of Kostanay region.
“The first step - especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but not money - the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art”
Chuck Palahniuk.
Excursion to museums in Kazakhstan.
The Museum of History and Local Lore is located in the village of Denisovka, the administrative center of the Denisovsky district of the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan. In 2005, a very important event took place in the life of our region: the Denisov Museum of History and Local Lore was created, which brought together all the materials testifying to the past of our native land.
It all began in the now distant 1950s, when the history teacher of the Ordzhonikidze eight-year school Andrusik Anna Ivanovna (1920 - 1993) organized a local history circle, which later became known as "Red Pathfinders".
In the 1980s, local history work in the area continued actively: pioneers and Komsomol members wrote the chronicles of their schools, libraries accumulated material on the history of villages, school museums were opened. A wonderful museum of the history of the Cossack village still exists in the village.
Georgievsk, organized under the guidance of an enthusiastic teacher Galina Ivanovna Belaya, then it was led by the history teacher Olga Ivanovna Bus. In the 1990s, a lot of work was carried out in the schools of the district to organize school museums, local history offices, where documents on the history of the village, the school and its graduates were collected.
Among them are museums in the Batalinskaya secondary school - teacher Sazhina Lidiya Aleksandrovna, in the Zaayatskaya secondary school - teacher Sushchevskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna and others. In the district department of public education, interesting stands on the history of the district's schools have been arranged since the 1930s.
In the late 1980s - early 1990s, at the state farm named after Nekrasov, there was a museum on a voluntary basis. Enthusiasts of museum business were Terre Vladimir Emmanuilovich, Chichulina Elena Ivanovna, Bat Yuri Fedorovich and Muradova Margarita.
They collected and presented in the adapted room a collection of exhibits on ethnography and the history of the state farm. Most of these exhibits at various times were transferred to the fund of the regional history museum.
On May 1, 1992, the Ordzhonikidze Department of the Kustanai Regional History and Local Lore Museum was opened (Order No. 59 of April 14, 1992 for the Regional Department of Culture, the head of the department is Rimma Gabdullovna Gaisenova and Order No. 11 of 05/05/1992 for the District Department of Culture, Head of ROK - Toybagorov Bazarbai Erezhepovich). The first head of the regional museum was Valentina Vasilievna Koloteva.
At the time of organizing the museum, the building had not yet been completed, therefore, by order of the regional department of culture (the head of the ROK in 1992 was Glazyrina Tatyana Nikolaevna), museum workers occupied one of the rooms of the central regional library at st. Lenin, 14, the director of which was Marina Ivanovna Getman at that time.
They started collecting materials on the history of the region, made visits to state farms, interviewed veterans of the Great Patriotic War and old-timers, bit by bit collected information about the history, culture, education of the region.
Enthusiasts of local history Nam Valentina Alekseevna, Gladun Klavdia Mikhailovna, Popova Vera Ivanovna, Duka Nonna Alekseevna donated a large number of saved photographs and documents from the political education cabinet of the district party committee, the department for the protection of historical and cultural monuments to the museum fund; a significant part of the material came from the chief editor of the regional newspaper "Znamya Truda" Globa Anatoly Mikhailovich.
In 1993, the museum staff received a new beautiful building. Employees of the Kostanay Regional Museum of History and Local Lore conducted a number of field trips and methodological consultations on the preparation of thematic plans for expositions of the district museum, on accounting and storage of funds, organizing excursions and mass work.
In the summer of 1995, the building of the museum was transferred by the decision of the district administration to the Muslim mosque "Zhuma", and at the beginning of 1997 the staff of the district museum was reduced, due to lack of funding, the museum was closed.
All documents, exhibits, photographs were taken by N.I. Taran. deposited in the district library. Under the leadership of the director of the State Institution "Denisovskaya Centralized Library System" Sokolova L.P. On May 9, 2002, a local history study was solemnly opened in the regional library, where most of the surviving exhibits were placed and presented.
In 2004, at the regional library, the "Regional Studies" club was created, which united everyone interested in the history of their native land. The club's asset gradually developed. Classes were held weekly, a certain number of excursions, lectures, conversations, thematic folders were designed - dossiers on the history of the region, from archeology to the present.
In 2004, thanks to the efforts of the head of the culture department L.P. Sokolova, the akim of the Denisovsky district, A.F. Nagaytsev, and the head of the regional department of culture, R.G. Gaisenova. a package of documents was prepared for the opening of the regional museum.
On January 5, 2005, the State Institution "Denisov Museum of History and Local Lore of the Department of Culture of Kostanay Region" was opened in the adapted room of the Central Regional Hospital. Director of the museum - Marina V. Peters, chief curator of the fund - Taran Natalya Ivanovna, researcher - Sikirova Nazira Mugalovna, graphic designer - Yevgeny Grigorievich Orlov, guide Bakytgul Zeynullinovna Bekbusinova, accountant Tatyana V. Vladimirovna Fomenko, technical workers Sergeevna Safronova, Irina Paulmanov Tirsky Andrey Mikhailovich, a total of 9 people. Since the establishment of the State Institution "Denisov Museum of History and Local Lore", a lot of work has been carried out to systematize the museum fund, collect material on history, art and other important areas of the region's development.
Research topics are being developed: "Deported peoples", "Veterans of the Great Patriotic War - Denisovites", "Ethnography of the Kazakh people", "Kazakh auls on the territory of the Denisov region", "Trace of world civilization in our area", etc.
More than 50 personal complexes of war and labor veterans, famous people of the region, who have made a significant contribution to its development, have been collected. The museum collection was replenished with the most interesting finds from the places of ancient settlements, objects of applied art of modern craftswomen, documents, photographs and many other exhibits.
In December 2007, our museum was visited by the akim of Kostanay region S.V. Kulagin, who left a memorable entry in the book of honorary visitors of the museum. Currently, the Museum of History and Local Lore has expositions telling about the past and present of our region.
Museum staff will tell you about paleontological finds, which are more than 100 million years old, about an amazing settlement of the Bronze Age near the village. Pervomaiskoe. In our museum you can see interesting household items of the Kazakh and Slavic peoples, learn about what auls and settlements existed on the territory of our region at the beginning of the XXth century.
Our museum keeps priceless photographic documents and exhibits of the war and virgin years, evidence of the life and work of our famous fellow countrymen, as well as people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the region.
In the exhibition hall you can get acquainted with the unique works of artists Valery Seytbatalov, Alexey Begov, craftswoman Z.G. Nazarova, and the nature hall will surprise you with the diversity of the animal world of the Denisov region.
Our museum took place thanks to the efforts of many people, patriots of our small homeland. Without enthusiasts, local lore experts, the thread that connects the past, present and future, the previous and next generations of Denisovans would be lost.
Carefully preserving our history and passing it on to children is the task of our generation. Our present eludes us every second, the past can no longer be changed and returned, few years later remain in the memory of the people.
And what will they say about us in 50 or 100 years? Agree, everyone would like to be remembered kindly. To be remembered in general ... Our future is in our hands, it is we and today who are writing the history of our country, the history of our land - our native Denisov land.
Address Museum of Local Lore in Denisovka: Kostanay region, with. Denisovka, st. Lenin, 20. Tel. 8714 34 - 211 93 Director: Taran Natalya Ivanovna
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