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Denisov district in Kostanay region.

Districts of Kostanay region.
“Man is not glorified with gold, not with silver.
Man is glorified by his talent and skill"
Jami Abdurrahman.
Kostanay region map.
Denisovskiy district is located in the western part of Kostanay region. It borders in the north and west - with the Chelyabinsk region, in the south with the Kamystinsky and Zhitigara districts, in the east with the Taranovsky district of the Kostanay region.
The territory of the present Denisovskiy district is 6.8 thousand square kilometers. The population is 20,264 people (data at the beginning of 2014), including Kazakhs - 5656, Russians - 7747, Ukrainians - 3404, Germans - 1473, Belarusians - 590, Tatars - 321, Bashkirs - 201, Azerbaijanis - 154, Moldovans - 93 , Ingush - 88, Udmurts - 83, Armenians - 56, Chechens - 51, Chuvash - 45, Poles - 39, Mordovians - 25, Koreans - 22, representatives of other ethnic groups - 216.
In total, representatives of about 30 nations and nationalities live in the region. There are 28 schools in the district, of which 2 schools with Kazakh language of instruction, 1 school with Kazakh and Russian language of instruction, 25 schools with Russian language of instruction, 1 vocational college, 1 hospital, 4 rural medical outpatient clinics, 2 paramedic and obstetric stations , 24 medical centers, 23 libraries, 21 club institutions, 1 local history museum.
The main planning axis of the district is the Zhitikara - Denisovka - Kostanay railway with the republican road Kostanai - Rudny - Tobol - Pereleski - Denisovka - Zhitikara, which runs in the southern part of the district from the south - west to the north - east.
The regional center of the Denisovsk region - the village of Denisovka was founded in 1903 in the beautiful Tuye muynak tract on Tobol by settlers from the central provinces of Russia and Ukraine. Near the auls of Karpyk and Alimbay, the villages of Antonovka, Yakovlevka, Spiridonovka, Simonovka, Petrovka, Grishenka, Minoslavka appeared on the fertile land ...
Together with the Russian population, a new way of life came to the land of seasonal nomadic animal husbandry - agriculture and settled life. The distance from Denisovka to Kostanay is 167 kilometers. The regional center is connected with the regional center and the railway.
Agriculture traditionally prevails in the region's economy. In 2004, this industry produced goods for 2,123,000,000 tenge. The total area of agricultural land is 622 thousand hectares. There are 222 agricultural formations, including 26 LLPs, 192 peasant farms.
Personal farmsteads - 7506. Livestock: cattle - 43.5 thousand, horses - 2.5, sheep - 7.5, pigs - 12.6 thousand. There are 37 secondary educational institutions, 12 clubs, 37 libraries in the region. The Denisovskiy Regional Museum of History and Local Lore has a rich and varied exposition.
On the territory of the region, 113 archaeological monuments have been identified, the most unique of which is the Komarovskoye settlement. The finds made on the banks of the Kamysty-Ayat river six kilometers from the village of Komarovka belong to the Bronze Age.
In 1906 Denisovka became the center of a large volost. Merchants from all cities of the region traded here - Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kustanai. In 1919, the volost was occupied by the troops of Kolchak. The population's protest against mobilization into the White Army resulted in the Lvov uprising. It was brutally suppressed.
The monument on the bank of the Tobol reminds of those tragic events of the fratricidal war and 12 Denisovites killed by the White Guards. In 1938, the district was renamed Orzhonikidzevsky. Before the war, he had a lime plant, a mill, an MTS.
Gold mines were opened here, a railway ran through the territory of the region. 2431 Denisovites fought on all the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, 1164 of them died in battles. The virgin era entered the history of Denisovka as a golden page.
New state farms were created, schools, hospitals, clubs, libraries, kindergartens were built. Denisovans were famous throughout the district for high yields, weight gain of livestock and high milk yields. Nine of them became Heroes of Labor.
These are A. Aytmukhambetov, V.R. Petrakov, F.P. Kukhtin, S. Mustafin, M. A. Zaitsev, F. V. Levchenko, A. V. Lukyanov, A. N. Savchuk, N. N. Lisitsa. Denisovskiy district at all times occupied the top lines of the list of republican leaders in the production and procurement of livestock and crop products.
In 1955, the Kamyshninsky district was allocated from the Ordzhonikidze district. On June 17, 1997, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ordzhonikidze region was renamed into Denisov, the former historical name Denisovka was returned to the village of Ordzhonikidze.
Altyn gave; Kostanay region; photobook/comp. G. Dildyaev; main photography by V. Bugaev; foreword S. Kulagina.- Almaty: Atamura, 2005.- 352 p.