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Abiverd ancient town.

Social tourism in Turkmenistan.
"Abiverd - the ancient town site of Peshtak near the modern amall town of Kaka. Its shakhristan was surrounded by the perimeter by the walls with rounded towers and the moat. A straight street connected the only town gates with the gates of the citadel"
Group inclusive tour in Turkmenistan.
The archaeological site was created in 1993 and comprises some 200 objects in Kaka and Tejen districts of Akhal Region. The core of the reserve is a medieval town Abiverd or Peshtak (west Kaka) - in the past, one of the largest cities in Northern Khorasan, often cited in written sources along with Nisa, especially since the Arab conquest.
There are traces of the big Seljuk town, as well as the ruins of the Turkmen village of XVIII - XIX centuries. Pearl of reserve - architectural complex of Meana baba (XI - XV cent.). At the area of reserve are also world-famous monuments of the epoch ancient agricultures crops of Eneolithic and Bronze epoches: Altyn-Depe, Namazga-Depe, Ulug-Depe, Ilgynly-Depe and others.
Here is constantly works expeditions from France (CNRS) and Russia (Institute of History of Material Culture in St-Petersburg). Abiverd - the ancient town site of Peshtak near the modern amall town of Kaka.
Its shakhristan was surrounded by the perimeter by the walls with rounded towers and the moat. A straight street connected the only town gates with the gates of the citadel. A monumental portal-and-dome mosque stood almost in the centre; only one peshtak abutment made of burnt brick (herefrom the modern name of the town) with spiral stairs to the upper parts survived of it.
The decor, implemented of small figured brick with blue-glazing tiles and fretted stucco - the ornament, very rich in variability and complication, witnesses to a high artistic level of this unique monument of the XII century architecture of North Khorasan.
A broad rabat in which the main handicraft manufactures and bazaars were placed, was developing in the southern and western directions.
Godlas, Alan, 2003. "Sufi Orders and their Shayks." Resources for studying Islam, The University of Georgia. [Accessed December 16, 2004] Sayan, Yüksel. 1999. Türkmenistan'daki Mimari Eserler (XI-XVI Yüzyil). Ankara: Kültür Bakanligi Нayinlari Borodina, Iraida. 1987. Central Asia. Gems of 9th -19th Century Architecture. Moscow: Planeta Publishers, 33. Hillenbrand, Robert. 1999. Islamic Architecture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Knobloch, Edgar. 2001. Monuments of Central Asia. New York: I.B. Tauris.
Alexander Petrov.