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Aikozha mausoleum.

Archeologic monuments of Kazakhstan.
«Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved»
Thomas Fuller.
Tours in Kyzylorda province.
Aikozha Mausoleum is located at an altitude of 174 meters above sea level, located in southern part of ancient cemetery, 3 kilometers southeast from right bank of main channel of Syrdarya, 11.3 kilometers southwest from Besaryk railway station, 15 kilometers on southeast of village of Tugisken, in Zhanakorgan district, Kyzylorda region.
The Aikozha Mausoleum dates back to the XVIth – XVIIth centuries. The foundation of the Aikozha mausoleum is a masonry of baked bricks, protruding 20 cm beyond the plane of the walls. Under the base of the foundation there is a concrete footing to a depth of 20 cm.
The foundation is buried in the alluvial soil 50 cm from the outside. The masonry material is in satisfactory condition. No deformations were noted. The blind area is ground, made during restoration. At this time it is almost lost. The walls are made of baked bricks.
In October 2008, in honor of the 235th anniversary of Aikozha Ishan, a large As (funeral dinner) was given, in which more than 3,500 people took part. Numerous descendants from Uzbekistan, Turkey, as well as from other regions of Kazakhstan were invited.
Aikozha Ishan (1773 - 1857) - educator, religious figure and spiritual mentor of many Kazakh families, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, a graduate of a madrasah in Bukhara, a student of Sheikh Islam from Afghanistan, possessed supernatural abilities and incredible strength.
Geographic coordinates of Aikozha mausoleum: N43°30'52 E67°32'54
Monuments of culture, architecture and archeology Kyzylorda of area.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.