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Akhangaran River.

A trip to Akhangaran River.
“Multiplying knowledge,
Aliens visit the edges
I consider it a good deed.”
Brant Sebastian.
A trip from Angren to Angren River.
The river Ahangaran (Angren) flows in Uzbekistan, with a length of 233 kilometers, a basin area of 5.3,000 square kilometers. The average water consumption is 20.2 cubic meters per second. It is formed from numerous streams flowing down from the slopes of Chatkal and the northern slopes of the Kuraminsky ranges.
In the upper and middle reaches of Akhangaran, the Angren Plateau cuts through a deep canyon, after which the river valley represents a wide gorge between the extension of the Chatkal Range in the northwest and the Kuraminsky Range in the southeast. In the lower reaches, Akhangaran breaks into the Chirchik valley and flows parallel to the latter until it flows into the Syr Darya.
The right tributaries of Akhangaran in the upper and middle parts of its valley flow down from the Chatkal ridge, forming deep gorges.
Upon reaching the Akhangaran plateau, they assume the character of flat rivers and are distinguished by a calm flow and tortuosity. When approaching Angren, the fall of the tributaries increases sharply and they are thrown into it by beautiful waterfalls.
Above the city of Angren is the Akhangaran reservoir.
Alexander Petrov.