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Almalyk ancient settlement.

Almaty tour.
“Three bright rivers, similar to precious
Pendants in women's jewelry,
Once stood my magnificent palace.
These rivers have a skinny, shaggy foal.
He quickly became a powerful atan.
And if lost in the coastal meadows is bright,
That thousandth flock was found there for another year!..."
Ancient cities on the Silk Road of Almaty region.
Almalyk, the ruins of which are located 13 kilometers from the village of Khorgos on the banks of the Ili River at the foot of Mount Talki. According to the information available in the works of Tarih-i Rashidi Muhammad Haidar and Baburname Zakir ad-din Babur.
In the Middle Ages, the city of Almalyk was a flourishing city of Mogolistan, a major shopping center on an ancient caravan road that runs from Central Asia to East Turkestan. Almalyk was inhabited by tribes of Usuns, Huns.
On the eve of the Mongol invasion, Almalyk is called in a number of the largest cities of the Seven Rivers, such as Balasagun, Taraz, Almaty, Kayalyk (Koylyk), Iliba-lyk, Equius (Ikioguz). During the formation of the Chagatai state (XIII century) Almalyk turned into a political, cultural and economic center of this ulus.
The first khan was Ozar, after death, which his son Sunak Tegin inherited power. As a result of Timur’s stint in Mogolistap, Almalyk ceased to exist in the XIVth century. During archaeological excavations in Almalyk, weapons forged from iron and copper, gold and silver coins, and clay painted dishes were found.
Judging by them, metal processing and various handicrafts were developed in the town.
Encyclopedia of the Kazakh SSR. Almaty, 1992. Section "History".