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Andalib Nurmukhamed-Ghalib.

Literary tours around Turkmenistan.
“Eyes - tears, teeth - pearls - where is my beloved?
A bright mind, a beautiful face - where is my beloved?
Oh, the soul is the source of sorrow - where is my beloved?
Hey, my tongue, give me an answer - where is my beloved?
Light of the soul, blossoming flower - where is my beloved?"
"Where is my beloved? ..". Nurmukhamed-Garib Andalib.
Classics of Turkmen poetry.
"My name is Nurmukhammed Garib, my nickname is Andalib, my city is Urgench, khan is Shirgazi, my homeland is Garamazi." These scanty lines from Andalib's destan "Yusuf and Zuleikha" are little that we know about the poet.
To date, it has been established: Andalib was born in about 1710 in the village of Garamazy in the modern Gurbansoltan-eje etrap of the Dashoguz velayat. He received his primary education under the supervision of his father Seyidakhmed, and then continued his studies in Kunyaurgench and Khiva.
A collection of his poems has been published for the 350th anniversary of Andalib. The "MVM" publishing house has published a book by the classic of Turkmen literature Nurmukhammed Andalib, one of the founders of the Turkmen literary language.
He is a teacher of such outstanding Turkmen poets as Azadi, Shahbend, Makhtumgulu, Sheydayi, Maghribi, Gayibi, Talibi, Gurdoglu, Kemine, Seyidnazar Seidi, Zalili, Seydulla Seidi, Zinhari, Molla Nefiles, Ashigi, Baldziyli, Miski.
Earlier Turkmen poets Bayram Khan and Vafai wrote their works in the Chagatai-Old Uzbek language. Andalib, from his youth, wrote in simple Turkmen. He enriched native literature from a thematic and genre point of view, brought the first shoots of realism into Turkmen poetry, which was later developed by Makhtumgulu.
Andalib is the author of the first poem and the first dastan, the first translations in Turkmen literature. Some information about the poet has come down to us from oral sources. For example, in 1941, stories about the origin of the poet were collected from the mouth of the Turkmen old-timers. Seyidjahan Gazyoglu, 70, said that Andalib was from the Turkmen of Khiva-Tashoguz.
There are legends that in his youth the poet fell in love with a girl named Gul (flower) and therefore took the pseudonym Andalib (nightingale). And the love of a nightingale for a rose, as you know, is one of the most common motives in classical oriental literature.
The most complete information about the life and work of Andalib is contained in his poem "Yusif and Zuleikha", where the poet writes:
“My name is Nurmukhammed Garib,
And the pseudonym Andalib.
I am from the Urgenj region,
My true homeland is Gara Mazi."
Historians confirm that at the time of writing these lines, the khan of Khiva was Shahgazi (1765 - 1767), and he personally patronized the poet. From the same work it becomes clear that the poet was born approximately in 1710 - 1711 and died in his native village of Gara Mazi in 1770 - 1780.
It is also known that Andalib was an educated person of his time, perfectly knew several languages, classical oriental literature. He was the author of imitations on the poems of Navoi, Fizuli, Vafai, Khabib, Ubeidi and Jami. In addition to lyric poems, Andalib owns numerous epic works. He is the author of such poems as "Nasimi", "Saad Waggas", "Yusif and Zuleikha", "Zeynal Arab", "Leyli and Majnun", "Oguzname", etc. The latter, by the way, occupies a special place in the work of Andalib and dedicated to the heroic history of the Oghuz Turks.
As you know, the Oghuz is one of the main Turkic branches, which includes Azerbaijanis, Turks, Turkmens and Gagauz. From this point of view, we can consider that this work is directly devoted to our history.
The poet very emotionally expresses his love for his Turkic roots.
"Oguzname" Andalib and today it is considered one of the most valuable classical works, which contains rich factual material on the history of the Turks. The hero of Andalib's poem "Nasimi" differs from the historical figure - the Azerbaijani poet Nasimi. In the work, Nasimi is presented as the brother of the Baghdad ruler Amir.
We meet fictional characters - Sheikh Mansur, Zunnun Misri and others. The poem "Saad Waggas" is dedicated to the famous Muslim commander and statesman, who was famous for his generosity and generosity. For the sake of his ideals, he had to sacrifice his own son.
And in the poem "Gissei-Firon" the famous legend about the prophet Moses and the pharaoh of Egypt is being retold. Andalib was the first in Turkmen literature to engage in the poetic presentation of dastans and folk legends.
He owns the plots of folk dastans "Leyli and Majnun", "Yusif and Zuleikha", "Baba Rovshan" and "Zeynal Arab". There is information that the dastan "Mirza Hamdam" belongs to Andalib's pen. The great Turkmen poet Makhtumgulu, who in many ways was the successor of the work of Andalib, compiled an anthology of eleven Turkmen dastans.
This series begins with the dastan "Ibrahim and Sarah" and ends with the dastan "Ashig Garib and Shahsenem". Later, this tradition was continued, and Molla Nefes poetically expounded the dastan "Zohra and Tahir". Two of Andalib's dastans - "Leyli and Majnun" and "Yusif and Zuleikha" exactly coincide with the Azerbaijani version of the work.
Dastans “Baba Rovshan” and “Zeynal Arab” are unknown in Azerbaijan and are not performed by our ashigas. Andalib set himself the main task of writing works in his native Turkmen language. From the introductions to the dastans "Yusif and Zuleikha" and "Nasimi" we learn that some Turkmen leaders encouraged the poet in this activity.
The compiler of the collection Andalib Ramiz Asker gives general information about the life and work of the poet in the preface to the book. The collection includes poems, imitations, translations, poems and dastans of the poet, a dictionary of Old Turkmen words.
23.12.10 17:18
The works of the Turkmen classic Nurmukhammet Andalib will be published in foreign languages. In honor of the 350th anniversary of the outstanding representative of Turkmen classical poetry of the 17th-18th centuries Nurmukhammet Andalib, which will be celebrated in 2011, his works will be published in Russian, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Turkish and Persian languages.
According to the newspaper "Neutral Turkmenistan", new editions of poems by Nurmukhammet Andalib in the Turkmen language, including previously unpublished ones, of his famous poems "Oguznama", "Nesimi", "Sagdy Vakgas", "Kysayy Fyrgun", destans have been prepared for printing. "Leili-Majnun", "Yusup-Zuleikha", "Baba Rovshen", "Zeynelarap", as well as scientific works devoted to the life and work of the classic.
In addition, in 2011, it is planned to hold an international anniversary celebrations in honor of the poet. So, on March 10 - 12, a scientific conference "Nurmukhammet Andalib and the literary and cultural life of the East in the XVIIth - XVIIIth centuries" will be held in Dashoguz, to which scientists, prose writers and poets, cultural and art workers from Europe, the CIS states, Iran, Pakistan are invited, India and other countries.
International scientific conferences and various cultural events in honor of the Turkmen poet will be held in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan.
Pasha Alioglu. Caspian. 2011, January 18, p. 8.