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Apartment-museum of D.A. Kunaev.

Apartments-museums in Almaty.
"Kazakhs say: "If you do not know your neighbor, then you do not know your ancestors." The unique feature of our people is that our people know their ancestors up to the seventh generation without records. A person with a pure gene pool will have a healthy body, language, and religion."
Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunaev.
Excursion to apartment-museum of D.A. Kunaev.
Memorial apartment-museum of D.A. Kunaev is located at an altitude of 825 meters above sea level, located on Tulebaev Street, 117 entrance 1, 2nd floor, on corner with Bogenbai Batyr Street in Medeu district of Almaty.
The house-museum of D.A. Kunaev opened on January 12, 2002, for the 90th anniversary of the statesman. The opening of the memorial apartment-museum in 2012 for the 100th anniversary of D.A. Kunaev further increased people's desire to learn as much as possible about this amazing person.
However, interest in his personality has never faded, and in recent years it has been growing: it is obvious that society is paying more and more attention to its history. After the death of Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich, his nephew Diyar Kunaev lived in the apartment, who maximally preserved the furnishings of the time when his uncle lived in the apartment.
The apartment with an area of 230 square meters presents:
D. Kunaev's home library of 7,000 books,
a collection of lighters numbering more than 400 pieces,
personal belongings and gifts from government officials,
vases with the image of D. Kunaev,
The museum exposition consists of four halls: Kunaev's study, a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. A visit to this museum allows you to see Dimash Akhmedovich from a different side - it is always interesting to look at the conditions in which a person of such a scale lived and worked.
The museum uses various forms of popularization. In addition to excursions, these are traveling exhibitions and lectures in educational institutions, an annual city student conference within the framework of the traditional "Kunaev Readings".
Twice a year (on the birthday and Memorial Day of D.A. Kunaev), meetings of the younger generation with associates of Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich are organized. The concert "Favorite Songs of D.A. Kunaev" is very popular among Almaty residents.
Before it, a short documentary is shown, and an exhibition of Kunaev's photographs is organized in the foyer. The concert features Kazakh folk songs, songs of Soviet and Kazakhstani composers, famous singers, the legendary orchestra "Otrar sazy", the ensemble "Gulder" perform, and all the artists participate in the concert on a voluntary basis.
An important event for the museum was the publication of a collection of letters addressed to D.A. Kunayev "Dear Dimash Akhmedovich!.." The letters cover the period from 1959 to 1993. These are letters from ordinary people, including shepherds and teachers, pensioners and schoolchildren, writers and poets - people of different professions, ages and nationalities, and not only Kazakhstanis, but also representatives of other republics of the USSR.
These letters contain words of gratitude for participation in fate, congratulations on anniversaries and holidays, on receiving high awards and a high harvest, words of appreciation and admiration for his enormous work and care for ordinary workers.
The published letters, being genuine historical documents, have great educational and educational value. An important event in 2015 will be the implementation of the "Hidden Stories" project, which was developed jointly with the expert Yu. Vaganova.
In the memorial apartment, things silently keep their history, and often they are inaccessible to visitors without the help of museum staff. Many original items cannot be exhibited due to the lack of additional space, and some do not have external appeal.
So they remain in storage. We decided to "hide" their stories in suitcases. Why suitcases? The fund stores more than 20 suitcases of D.A. Kunaev and his wife. And suitcases, of course, are primarily associated with travel - so the project already has great potential for a traveling exhibition.
With this project, we want to show the visitor "the unusual in the ordinary", arouse interest in the personality, and also teach how to "read" museum exhibits. The project will include the events "Bike route along the Golden Square" and "Tea Party at Zukhra Sharipovna's", dedicated to the International Museum Day.
So, the house-museum of D.A. Kunaev, which has its own style, its own style, continuing the traditions of previous years, plans further development.
Address of D.A. Kunaev apartment-Museum:
050000 Almaty, Tulebaev Street 117, 1st entrance, 2nd floor.
Open for visitors:
Wednesday and Saturday: from 9.00 to 18.00.
Phone: 8 (7272) 61 42 69
Geographical coordinates of D.A. Kunaev Apartment-Museum: N43°15'09 E76°56'54
Timur Zhumanov, Aidana Daulenova.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.