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Aristov peak. North Tiien-Shan.

Summit ascent Tours in Kazakhstan.
“Kid, you'll move mountains”
Dr. Seuss. «Oh, The Places You'll Go!»
Guided climbing and Group Tours in Kazakhstan.
Aristov peak is located to the east of Karlytau peak in the short ridge of Aristov which departs from the Low-Almaty spur in the gorge the Left Talgar in Zailiysky of Ala-Tau. Rocky top, technically difficult for ascensions.
It is called in 1937 in honor of the first director of the camp which died in 1937 at Stalin peak on Pamir (Stalin peak began to be called further Communism Peak and then Samoni peak). The peak is called in honor of the climber Oleg Aristov of the participant many expeditions in Mountains Pamir and Tien-Shan.
Aristov directed mass campaigns and ascensions, was the most active of young heads of school of instructors of mountaineering. So there was his life that during the ascension (1937) when falling from a steep firnovy slope it fell to Stalin peak towards the Pamir plateau. It was not possible to find it.