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Bartogai reservoir.

ll excursion tours in Kazakhstan.
“The miracles of earth are the laws of heaven”
Jean Paul Richter.
Tours nad Walk to Bartogai reservoir.
The Bartogay reservoir is located in the Enbekshikazakh district of the Almaty region, in the Bartogay valley at an altitude of 1010 meters above sea level, 175 km from Almaty and 20 kilometers from the village of Chilik, in the western part of the Syugaty intermountain depression, at the intersection of its valley with the Chilik river.
The floodplain of the river is partitioned off by a 60-meter rock-fill dam 330 meters long. The total capacity of the Bartogay reservoir is 320 cubic meters, including the useful volume of 250,000,000 cubic meters, and the water surface area is 13 square kilometers.
The average annual volume of water entering the Bartogai reservoir is 1 billion cubic meters. The reservoir was built between 1982 and 1985. The project of the Bartogay reservoir and the Big Alatinsky Canal is the result of many years of work by the team of the "Kazkhiprovodkhoz" Institute.
The average annual volume of water entering the Bartogai reservoir is 1 billion cubic meters.
Geographic coordinates of the Bartogay reservoir: N43 ° 21'15.51 "E78 ° 30'13.68"
The brief encyclopedia Kazakh SSR. The Nature, Alma-Ata, 1990. Bakirov Sh.
Alexander Petrov.