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Batyr Shakshash Zhanibek.

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“In 1743, the Russian Senate issued a decree“ On conferring the title “Tarkhan” on biys and torah of the Kazakh horde ”. On July 11, 1743, by order of the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, the title of "Tarkhan" was first received - Koshkaruly Zhanibek (Tarkhan Zhanibek) Batyr"
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Adults often whispered to each other: “You will see, a lot will come out of Zhanibek. To be a real batyr for him, a worthy defender is growing. Or he will be a rhetoric bey, for all this is in his noble blood. Ugh, ugh! How not to jinx it inadvertently."
And there was some truth in these words. The ancestor of Zhanibek Shakshak was known as an outstanding person. He was a brave batyr, he was revered as one of the prominent biys of the Argyn clan of the Middle Zhuz. From the age of five, he learned to use a bow and a spear, which caused the approval of adults.
At the age of seventeen, Shakshak joined Yesim Khan, with whom he participated in battles against the Dzungars, and against the Bukhara Khan, and the Tashkent Emir, accompanying him on all military campaigns.
Zhanibek was born in 1693 in the Argyn family. He was the son of Koshkar, one of the six sons of Koshey Shakshak. At first glance, he did not stand out in any way among his peers. Like all boys, he deftly tamed obstinate horses, skillfully shod them.
There was no equal to him in the fight. None of his peers could resist him. He was interested in folk legends, legends, myths, wrote poetry. But great-grandfather Shakshak predicted in a blessing the great fate of his great-grandson, predicting his future fruitful activities for the benefit of his people.
By order of his great-grandfather, Zhanibek was brought up from an early childhood in the best traditions of the dynasty, all of whose members were famous biys and batyrs. At the age of fourteen, Zhanibek received a blessing from the centenary elders and sages of the three zhuzes:
“If you want to become a bey, then help the poor; in a fierce battle, hold fast your banner, do not drop it; share your spoil generously with a friend, you will not lose it; ask advice not from a crowd of thousands, but from one, but a wise one.
If you decide to take up arms, then take a gun in your hands. It will protect you in the event of an enemy attack, provide food oh, during hunger, if you get tired, you can lean on it. Love a woman when you are young. In his youth, the Zhigit is the king, and the girl is the queen.
Otherwise, you will regret it in old age. So that luck accompanies you, son! So that the enemy will never be on a par with you!
To be respected by people! Let the bird of happiness sit on your shoulders, son! " These words had their effect. They, like a guiding star, illuminated the life of Zhanibek, for he always remembered and honored these edifications and wise advice.
Having received the blessing, Zhanibek Shakshak (that was his name in honor of his great-grandfather) went to the Karakum Desert to take part in a big kurultai. All the thickets came with news that the enemies had attacked some kind, plundered and ruined that aul.
The situation was complicated by the fact that the Kazakhs began to divide into zhuzes and clans, although it was clear to everyone that such isolation would not lead to anything good. Where there is no mutual understanding and solidarity, there will never be unity, peace and harmony.
The threat to become easy prey for the enemy was growing. Dzungars and Chinese could attack peaceful auls at any moment. Russia, at an opportunity, could grab a tidbit of Kazakh land. Arriving at the place, fifteen-year-old Zhanibek learned that it was precisely these circumstances that caused the convocation of a representative kurultai of Kazakhs by Khan Tauke.
The main goal of the kurultai is to unite the forces of the disparate Kazakh zhuzes and clans into one whole. Among those gathered, Zhanibek first saw the famous Kazakh batyrs Bogenbai and Kabanbai, who called on the people to unite under one banner and become a wall against the enemy.
Most of the participants supported this call and, under the shouts of the family cry, vowed to fight the enemy to the death. Kurultai played its historical role: it made it clear to people that the great strength of the people is in unity and rallied it to fight the Dzungarian invaders.
Upon his return from the kurultai, Zhanibek said goodbye to his childhood forever. He remembered a formidable cry calling for unity, protection of the honor and dignity of the Kazakh people. Zhanibek began to prepare for battles with the enemy, honing and improving his knowledge of the martial art.
Soon there were rumors that the Dzungars had suddenly attacked the Kazakh auls. Unable to withstand the onslaught of superior enemy forces, the fighting squads of the Senior Zhuz with heavy battles retreated to the lower reaches of the Syr Darya, and the detachments of the Middle Zhuz - towards Ulytau.
Batyr Kabanbai Karakerei gathers under his banner the troops of representatives of the three Kazakh zhuzes in order to give a worthy rebuff to the Dzungars. Zhanibek voluntarily joined the army. Hatred of the enemy and the desire to try his hand at the battlefield led him to the ranks of the militia.
Here he passed his first test, fighting in a duel with the Dzungarian hero. Having defeated the enemy, he put on his battle armor and raised the warriors to battle. Having passed the baptism of fire, having spent two years in the saddle, Zhanibek grew stronger and matured in mortal battles, became a real batyr.
On the campaigns he was accompanied by a small but brave squad. Zhanibek batyr believed that in order to defeat the enemy, you need skill, discipline and coordination of actions in battle. He decided to create his own militia and achieve the necessary qualities in it. In 1724, the militia of Zhanibek batyr caused great concern among the Dzungars, since hundreds of cavalry militias appeared in the most unexpected places and disappeared at lightning speed, causing significant damage to the enemy's manpower.
In 1727, the militia of Zhanibek batyr received high praises from the lips of Abulkhair Khan, the batyrs of Kabanbai and Bogenbai, who exercised the main command over the Kazakh troops in the battle of Bulanty, where the Dzungars were defeated.
In 1729, in the famous Anyrakay battle, which played a large role in demoralizing the invaders and suppressing the spirit of the enemy, Zhanibek batyr's strategic military talent was fully developed. Skillful reconnaissance of flying special detachments created by him, accurate reports of his scouts, brilliant knowledge of the area allowed Zhanibek to directly participate in drawing up the operation plan by the military council under Aublkhair Khan, who was elected commander-in-chief of the united Kazakh troops.
Zhanibek batyr was entrusted with command of the left flank of the united militia. All assigned tasks were brilliantly performed, and the enemy suffered a crushing defeat. It is characteristic that the militia of Zhanibek batyr since its creation in 1724 for a quarter of a century of continuous battles with the enemy never suffered defeat, since Zhanibek steadfastly followed the principle:
"Victory at a low cost or a temporary retreat." He never got involved in a battle without first weighing the pros and cons. He foresaw opportunities for a timely retreat in advance, so that, having made an unexpected maneuver, he would again fall on the enemy "like snow on his head."
The fact that Zhanibek Batyr was an outstanding military strategist speaks for itself by the fact that a good half of the northern territories of Kazakhstan were liberated by his militia. The invariable character trait of Zhanibek batyr was that he always, everywhere and before everyone behaved as an equal, regardless of whether he was among the khans and sultans, biys and batyrs, or among ordinary soldiers and shepherds.
With all his appearance and demeanor, he clearly demonstrated the conviction that a person does not interfere with the presence of a high sense of self-esteem and dignity. And if his deeds and deeds, committed for the good of the Fatherland, are recognized by the people, then a person has the right to the same honors and attention that are traditionally given to khans and sultans. Magzhan Zhumabaev very accurately characterized the image of Shakshakuly Zhanibek that has formed in the people's memory:
"Always be the first among equals, in the circle of legendary heroes..."
Several years after the Anyrakai battle, Zhanibek batyr, accompanied by loyal Sarbazes, went to Karatau to meet with Tole bi and talk about the fate of the people. Remembering the history of the Kazakhs, analyzing the successes and failures, they tried to find the only right path that would help overcome difficulties and improve the life of the people.
The "Years of the Great Calamity", first of all, was a heavy blow to the state system of the Kazakhs. The developed, wealthy and densely populated cities were lost. The centers of trade have died out. Mosques and madrasahs, which were spiritual centers, were destroyed.
People began to move away from religion, rich libraries with religious and philosophical works, historical books and chronicles disappeared. Works of art also disappeared without a trace. This tragedy has halted population growth.
Kazakhs were dying at the hands of invaders, dying of hunger and want. In their minds settled fear of someone else's power, imitation of someone else's art, praising someone else's, not their own. The character, behavior, perception of the world have changed among the once proud, ambitious people.
But the worst thing is that he lost his independence. Both Tole bi and Zhanibek batyr, a wise and deeply thinking person, understood that strength alone was not enough to defeat the enemy. It is necessary to have flexibility of mind, sharp tongue and cunning.
Consent and unity is necessary. A reliable patron is needed. The neighboring Russian state can become such a defender. On September 22, 1739, Zhanibek Batyr wrote a letter to the Department of Foreign Affairs of Tsarist Russia.
He asked for permission to resettle the Kazakhs to the banks of the Zhaiyk, to establish free trade relations with residents of nearby Russian cities. On August 7, 1740, a group of Kazakh biys, led by Zhanibek, met with the head of the Orenburg Commission, Lieutenant General Prince V.A.Urusov. Zhanibek Batyr and Prince Vasily Urusov discussed the issue of establishing trade with the Kazakh ambassadors, Dzungars and Karakalpaks took part.
Referring to the relations between the Kazakhs and the Dzungars, I. Neplyuev said that the intervention of the Dzungars, their demands to provide amanat, as well as to pay taxes, are actions that go beyond the law. He also said that this is an attempt to split the developing historical friendship between Kazakhs and Russians. At this meeting, II Neplyuev informed its participants that the batyr Zhanibek was the first among Kazakhs to be awarded the honorary title "Tarkhan".
In their submissions to the Senate, Generals Prince V. Urusov and Privy Councilor I. Neplyuev emphasized that the influence of the batyr Zhanibek in the Kazakh environment is such that Russia should in every possible way show signs of recognition of merit, respect and friendliness to him at the highest level.
Later, this honorary title was awarded to six more Kazakhs. Among them was Zhanibek's eldest son, Dautbai. After some time, Zhanibek was included in the number of ambassadors sent to Dzungaria (Miller's embassy). This time he made every effort to free Sultan Abylai from captivity.
The last years of his life, Zhanibek Batyr completely devoted to the development of the territory occupied by the modern Kostanay region, and was so successful in this business that all clans-communities that he endowed with land ownership in this territory were sincerely satisfied.
According to Kazakh tradition, batyr Zhanibek had many wives. His eldest wife was the daughter of a high-ranking Tursynbai Shanyshkaly. From her he had two sons: Dautbai and Zhaukashar. The second wife Alshyn was the daughter of the wise Aiteke bi. He had no children from her.
The third wife, a Kalmyk woman, was given to him as a "booty", which he looked at when returning from the Anyrakai battle. The firstborn son born of her was named Akmuhammed (Akpambet) in honor of the prophet and his righteous deeds.
When Zhanibek reached middle age, following Sharia law, he took a fourth wife. It was the daughter of the batyr Kasym from the Kerey clan. The son, born from her, Toktamys, inherits the hearth of Zhanibek Tarkhan.
So, the batyr had six sons. Each of them gave a name to separate dynasties, clans, known today. The only daughter of Zhanibek Dilda married Karasai, the son of the famous biy Boransha. Zhanibek Tarkhan, who absorbed all the positive qualities of his people, who managed to become a reliable weapon against enemies, who lived a life full of exploits, a true son of the steppe, died in the spring of 1752 at the fifty-ninth year of his life in Torgai.
His beloved son Akpambet brought the body of the batyr from Torgai to Turkestan and buried his father under the canopy of the dome of the mosque of Khoja Ahmed Yassaui. The whole life of Zhanibek, who was a shield for the Kazakhs and a mace for the Dzungars, from birth to the last days passed in a difficult struggle.
And the descendants of the batyr turned out to be worthy of the glorious name of their father, honestly following the traditions of their ancestors.
Beken Kairatuly.