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Birthplace of Akhmet Baitursynov.

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“Akhmet Baitursynov is not a simple person, he is an educated person. He comes from an educated class, which was for those who suffered from the humiliation and mockery of the cunning and filthy servants of the royal power, he is a man who could not remain silent. When other educated gentlemen were looking for rank and pagons, Ahmet was the only one who stood up, fought for honor and dignity, who sought to awaken the dormant people's consciousness, shake the honor of the nation from oppression, from slavery. Many of the educated Kazakhs sold themselves to district officials, governors and judges, got jobs as interpreters, some even sold their honor and engaged in betrayal, Akhmet gave his soul to the Kazakh people.
Saken Seifullin.
Monuments of Kostanay region.
The birthplace of Akhmet Baitursynov is located at an altitude of 107 meters above sea level, located in the southeastern part of the Sarytubek tract, 565 meters north of the right bank of the Uly-Zhylanshyk River, 5.1 kilometers southwest of the village of Akkol, in 4.3 kilometers to the north-west from the village named after Akhmet Baitursynov, in the Dzhangeldy district of the Kostanay region.
One of the sacred places of the Kostanay region is the birthplace of the public politician of Kazakhstan of the twentieth century, the leader of the national party "Alash", educator, linguist, literary critic, Turkologist, translator Akhmet Baitursynov.
The house where Baitursynov was born was destroyed in the late 50s. The sign reminded him that he lived here for many years. In 2010, local residents restored the winter quarters so as not to lose the historical monument at all.
During construction, the original appearance of the hut was preserved. The work was carried out according to the technologies of the XIX century. Not far from the village is the necropolis of the Baitursynov family, where the father of Akhmet Baitursynov and his two brothers Kali and Mashen are buried. Baitursynov descendants plan to enclose the family burial place where the father and brothers of the scientist are buried.
Akhmet Baitursynov - Kazakh public and statesman, educator, linguist, literary critic, Turkologist, translator. Baitursynov was a brilliant writer, teacher, and linguist. He reformed the Kazakh script on the basis of the Arabic script, making it possible for millions of Kazakhs living abroad to use it.
Akhmet Baitursynov made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh literature and writing. In particular, his fables, included in the collections "Forty Fables" and "Masa", are best known. He did a great job of collecting and publishing samples of Kazakh oral folk art.
Ahmet Baitursynuly wrote a number of textbooks for teaching Kazakh children their native language. Among them: "Study Guide", "Language Guide", "ABC", "New ABC", and methodological guide "Bayanshy". In 1905 he was actively involved in political activities.
In 1907, he was first imprisoned for criticizing the tsarist administration, and in 1909 Baitursynov was again imprisoned for 8 months without trial in the Semipalatinsk prison. In 1917, at two All-Kyrgyz congresses in Orenburg, he participated in the creation of the Kazakh party "Alash" and was one of the organizers and leaders of the government of Alash-Orda.
According to local residents, the last time Aksakals saw Akhmet Baitursynov and his wife Badrisafa was in the village of Karasu, a few kilometers from Akkol. Akhmet Baitursynov, shortly before being exiled to the Stalinist camps, visited this place for the last time and said:
“I'm leaving. I know that you love me. I will communicate with you from afar. If I stay close, then I will do more harm than good."
According to eyewitnesses, he went to Akkol Lake, drank three handfuls of water. Apparently he said goodbye. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, took a handful of earth and a sprig of wormwood, rolled it up and put it in his pocket.
Akhmet Baitursynov also visited the burial places of people dear to him, his house and never returned. And then he was declared an enemy of the people. Baitursynov was one of the most educated people of his time and enjoyed great prestige as the leader of the Alash Orda political movement.
After some time, he, like other leaders of the Alash party, will fall into the millstones of repression. In 1937, Akhmet Baitursynov was shot. Where his body is buried is still unknown.
Geographical coordinates of birthplace of Akhmet Baitursynov: N48°53'22.28" E63°52'58.75"
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