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Buzunbai gorge in Almaty region.

Hiking group in Almaty region.
"In nature, nothing disappears, except for nature itself"
Andrey Kryzhanovsky.
Take an excursion Central Asia.
The Buzunbai gorge is located on the northern slope of the Terskey Alatau ridge between the Kopyl mountains in the west and the northern spurs of the Meridional ridge in the Narynkol district of the Almaty region.
From Lake Akkoldekol to Lake Karakol, the gorge has a meridional direction, after Lake Karakol it turns northeast and only in the forest zone the gorge goes northwest to the mouth of the Buzunbai River. The length of the gorge is 22 kilometers, above Lake Karakol the gorge becomes narrow, and 10 kilometers above the mouth of the river it reaches its greatest width, where the yurts and tents of shepherds and shepherds are concentrated.
The beginning of the gorge is considered to be Lake Akkoldekol, the perimeter of which is 718 meters, the area is 37965 square meters. The length of Lake Akkoldekol from the south-east to the north-west is 247 meters, the maximum width is 282 meters, taking into account a small bay in the eastern side of the lake.
In the gorge, at an altitude of 3102 meters above sea level, there is another large lake - Karakol. The length of the lake is 1704 meters, the greatest width, in the northern part of the lake - 456 meters. The perimeter of Lake Karakol is 4538 meters, the area is 737522 square meters.
The middle and upper parts of the gorge are very picturesque; tourists are attracted here by fabulous and unique places. In the forest zone, the banks of the Buzunbai River are overgrown with the Tien Shan spruce and mountain ash, higher on the left bank there are thickets of juniper.
A motor road has been laid along the Buzunbai gorge, in the upper part it is within the power of all-terrain vehicles.
Geographic coordinates of the Buzunbai River: N42 ° 32'13.95 "E79 ° 56'09.87"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.