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Cassin Glacier.

Hiking tours in Kazakhstan mountains.
“When I look back at the post-war years, I invariably see Nikolai Grigoryevich Kassin next to my dad. He was not tall, he never stood out among people, but he was a man generous in kindness and participation, a scientist of rare talent. Unfortunately, they completely forgot him, even when they write about Satpayev, they don’t remember. But Nikolay Grigoryevich was the first adviser to the pope in Alma-Ata..."
Meiz Kanyshevna Satpayeva.
Trekkings on glaciers of Zailiysky Alatau.
Kassin glacier lies on the western slope of the Issyk spur and on the northern slope of the Kassinsky spur, which separates it from the Palgov glacier. Kassin Glacier is the northernmost in the Kokbulak group and belongs to the valley type.
The valley containing it reaches its mouth into the main river valley on the section between the Akkul and Bozkul lakes, almost opposite the hanging valley occupied by the Avsyuk glacier. The length of the open part of the glacier is more than 3.5 kilometers, and with moraines laid in front, under which the presence of ice is possible, it is about 6 km.
The area of the glacier with frontal moraines is approximately 4 square kilometers. With no tributaries, the glacier is a compact ice river feeding on the back wall of the circus and the left side spur of the mountain.
Kassin Glacier is named after Nikolai Grigoryevich Kassin (1885 - 1949). Geologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR since 1946, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences since 1937, honored worker of science of the Kazakh SSR since 1943, laureate of the USSR State Prize of 1946.
He graduated from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1913. Collector, geologist in geological parties in Kazakhstan (1913 - 1917), geologist, senior geologist of the Geological Committee (1917 - 1935), senior geologist, head of the Kazakhstan sector of the Central Research Geological Research Institute (Leningrad) ( 1935 - 1941), consultant in geology of Kazakhstan of the Kazakh Geological Administration (1941 - 1942), consultant, senior researcher at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1942 - 1949).
He was awarded the Orders of Lenin, World War I degree, Diploma of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR. The scientific activity of N.G. Kassin was devoted to the study of the geological structure of the territory of Kazakhstan, the development of its raw materials and the development of geological science.
He is the creator of the first geological map of Kazakhstan. The education of geological personnel in the republic is associated with his name. Under the guidance of N.G. Kassin, the 20th volume of “Geology of the USSR”, devoted to East Kazakhstan, “Materials on the paleography of Kazakhstan”, was prepared.
Catalog of glaciers of the USSR. - Leningrad, 1967, v. 13, c. 2. Part 2. Tuyuksu Glaciers (Northern Tien Shan). L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. Icing of the Tien Shan. Ed. N. B. Dyurgerova. - M., 1995. Icing of the Trans-Ili Alatau. - M .: Nauka, 1969. Palgov N. N. Bolshealmatinsky glaciation site in the ridge of Zailiysky Alatau. Brief Encyclopedia Kazakh SSR, Volume 2, Nature, Alma-Ata, 1990.
Photos by
Roman Stetsenko.