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Cave Karaungir.

Tours in the caves of South Kazakhstan.
“It is untrue that equality is a law of nature. Nature has no equality; its sovereign law is subordination and dependence”
Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues.
Visit to the cave of Karaungir.
Karaungir cave is located 5.7 kilometers west of the village of Kyzylaryk (Sarybulak) on the southwestern slope of the Boraldai-Tau mountain range on the left anonymous tributary of the Karaungir river in the Baidibek district of Turkestan region.
Karaungir Cave is located in the southwest of Mount Karakungey 938.4 meters above sea level. The dimensions of the grotto of Karaungir cave: the entrance width is 20 - 25 meters, the arch height is 2 - 16 meters, the maximum length is 21 meters from the entrance to the southeast, 9 meters to the northeast.
The arch of the grotto in the center has a decrease to 1.5 meters. The cave is located in a rocky vaulted grotto of gray limestone, at an altitude of 7 meters from the bed of a small stream. In addition to natural attractions, the cave is an archaeological site of the cave type.
The cave, as the parking lot of an ancient man, was opened by H.A. Alpysbaev. Cave parking Karaungur dates back to the neo-Stone Age - Neolithic. Findings in the Karaungir cave indicate that the ancient settlements of South Kazakhstan were able to count already in the Upper Paleolithic, and the skills of numerical operations they acquired were passed down from generation to generation, over time, becoming more sophisticated and more complicated.
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.