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Central Park in Almaty.

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Park of Culture and Rest named after Maxim Gorky (Kaz.M. Gorky atyndaғdaғ Ortalyқ makes his wife demalis parki) is a park in the Medeu district of Almaty. Laid down in 1856, originally called the "Breech Garden". Located on an area of 42 hectares.
The main tree species grow in the park such as elm, oak, aspen, maple, pine, spruce, poplar, birch; artificial ponds have been created, attractions, a water park, a sports complex (Spartak Stadium, cycle track), cultural and public areas, and catering facilities are functioning.
On the territory of the park there are children's attractions, a children's railway, a water park and other entertainment venues. In 1997, a contract was signed between the Akimat and the Altyn-Taraz Trade and Finance Company LLP, according to which the LLP received trust for five years with subsequent repurchase of the property complex of the communal state-owned state enterprise Directorate of Central Park of Culture and Rest . Gorky city of Almaty."
On January 30, 2004, on the basis of a sales contract concluded between Altyn-Taraz TFK LLP and the Almaty Territorial Committee of State Property and Privatization, which acted by proxy in the interests of the akimat, the Central Park property complex was purchased through privatization.
According to the certificate on registered rights to real estate and its technical characteristics issued by the Department of Justice of Almaty, the ownership of this property is properly registered and registered. After the park was privately owned, the owners of the “Aquapark”, built on a small lake in order to make as much profit as possible from it, drained the large lake.
The Balkhash-Alakol Department of Ecology has officially confirmed that “during the construction of the parking lot, the management of Altyn-Taraz TFK LLP allowed 124 unauthorized cutting of green spaces, causing environmental damage amounted to 1,029,730 tenge.”
The park’s land began to be sold for housing construction. A residential complex was also erected on a significant part of the park, despite the fact that in the register of subjects of use and protection of the water fund of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Altyn Taraz TFK LLP at 1 Gogol St., Almaty - that is, TsPKiO - assigned to the group of “high risk.”
In the territory of the park, a safe walk became impossible, since cars were driving around quietly. Due to the elementary lack of watering and leaving, about a hundred oaks were lost. The Central Park of Culture and Rest, despite the deterioration, has for many years become a favorite vacation spot for Almaty residents and guests of the southern capital of Kazakhstan and remains to this day.
As of 2013, the territory of the Central Park of Natural Resources is only 42 hectares, while in 1983 the territory was over 100 hectares. On August 15, 2013, trees were cut down in the park; over 2000 units are to be cut.
According to Yerkebulan Orazalin, deputy head of the Department of Natural Resources of Alma-Ata, by August 15, 2013, permission was not obtained for logging and it was carried out illegally. At present, the irrigation system of the irrigation system does not work in the park.
On October 19, only the entrance of the park was presented to the city of Almaty and the felling of trees (emergency) in the amount of 2000 continued, despite the fact that it was already carried out in August. At the same time, according to the lot published on November 8, 2013, on the government procurement portal, a lot for the procurement of sanitary, molding, felling works in the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Gorky allocated 43 920 884 tenge and these works should be done in December after summing up the procurement.
On November 21, a decision was made to cut another 900 trees due to old age and not aesthetics.
Alexander Petrov.