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Chapaev Museum in Chapaev village.

Cultural tourism in the West Kazakhstan region.
“The first step - especially for young people with energy and drive and talent, but not money - the first step to controlling your world is to control your culture. To model and demonstrate the kind of world you demand to live in. To write the books. Make the music. Shoot the films. Paint the art”
Chuck Palahniuk.
Eco tourism tour in West Kazakhstan.
The memorial museum of the hero of the civil war V.I. Chapaev is located 135 kilometers south of the city of Uralsk in the village of Chapaev, Akzhaik district on the right bank of the Ural River. The settlement of Chapaev was founded at the end of the XIXth century as an outpost “Sundai”, later it was renamed into the village “Lbischensk”.
The museum was founded in 1927 in the building where the headquarters of the 25th rifle division was located in 1919 in the former village of Lbischenskaya. The museum complex includes a stele at the alleged place of death of the legendary commander, as well as a mass grave of the Red Army soldiers who died during the battle with the Ural Cossacks on September 5, 1919.
The museum complex is included in the list of monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan of republican significance. In 1939, in honor of the 20th anniversary of the battle for Lbischensk during the Civil War, the village was renamed into the village of Chapaev.
In 1941, a memorial museum was opened in the headquarters of the 25th rifle division commanded by V.I. Chapaev. In 1977, an additional building was built on the territory of the museum; it displays expositions about the history of the division and the region.
At present, more than 2 thousand exhibits are located in 5 halls of the memorial complex. The former headquarters of the division acquired its original appearance. On the first floor of the museum, you will see the offices of political workers and the headquarters officer in their original form.
Here you can also see a samovar, a cast-iron cauldron where potatoes, tea accessories were cooked, the “Maxim” machine gun that took part in the battles for the village of “Lbischensk”. On the second floor of the museum there are exhibits and information about the hero of the Civil War V.I. Chapaev, his writing desk, wall clock, kerosene lamp, pen and ink.
The expositions of the museum also tell about veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, prominent figures of the Urals - O. Isaev, H. Esenzhanov, poets and writers - Zh. Moldagaliev, A. Baktgereeva and many others.
A special place in the expositions is given to the Heroes of the Soviet Union - M. Abdolov, E. Orakbaev, A. Shchurikhin, T. Masin and N. Maidanov.
The museum holds numerous meetings, traveling exhibitions, regularly replenishes its expositions. Museum address - 090000, Republic of Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan region, Akzhaisky district, with. Chapaev.
Tourist guide to the West Kazakhstan region. 2018.