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Daray-dere gorge.

Pedestrian walk from gorge Bulak Dere to gorge Daray Dere in Kugitangtau mountains.
“Nature encourages no looseness, pardons no errors”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Walk gorge to Daray Dere in Kugitangtau mountains.
Dara-Dere in particular stands out, and it is so called "Gorge gorges", starting almost at the very top Kugitang, at an altitude of 3000 meters, the gorge gradually descends into the valley, forming several waterfalls and rapids on its way.
Daray-dere gorge - the widest and long, is located on a northern slope of Ridge Kugitangtau. Gorge extent to Daray Dere at the bottom of which 30 kilometers bends of a canyon are repeated by the river. Gorge pearl to Daray Dere - the falls Umbar, 27 meters high, the highest in Turkmenistan.
Water gives water to the settlement of Bazar-depe and the estate Kugitangtau of the reserve. Characteristic feature of a mountain landscape Kugitangtau of the reserve - "tearing up" narrow long gorges with steep walls.
They are connected with an exit of ground waters therefore always differ springs or falls and on vegetation markedly contrast with the droughty surrounding area. Each gorge has a unique originality and unique lines.
For example, in Bulak-dere there are unusual falls. On rock eaves at an exit of ground waters the hygrophilous fern an adiantum of hair of Venus grew. Since then the eaves are decorated by locks of "hair" of the goddess of love of Venus on which crystal drops flow down, the falls are called "Hair of Venus".
Almost impassable thickets of the Caucasian maple fluffy, dogrose, wild grapes reliable shelter to many reserved inhabitants. In Kugitangtau there live a mountain ram included in the International Red List, the Turkestan lynx and other animals.
Only mammals in the territory of the reserve four tens types. Among them there is a goat of Markhur. Markhur means "devouring snakes" - the belief so says. The image of Markhur is peculiar - the heads of males crown the unusual twirled horns.
These animals are ideally adapted for life among stone breaks, each their movement accurate. One wrong move - and markhur will break in a deep abyss, its favourite habitats are highly in mountains, on rocky ledges and stone regiments.
Among birds predatory - a hawk, a steppe eagle, are most representative. Birds with more peace temper, among them such rare and unusually attractive paradise flycatcher are interesting. In a high grass and among stone scatterings it is possible to meet more than two and a half tens species of reptiles.
This is a poisonous cobra and a gyurza, and also a frightening, but harmless big-eared kruglogolovka. It is possible to see also the largest of lizards - a monitor lizard. The most unusual inhabitant of these places - Kugitangtau a blind loach, the tiny small fish deprived an eye and scales of a cover.
It is bright expressed an evolution whim. Sight in complete darkness is not necessary, and the rational nature also deprived of a loach of an opportunity to see. Also flora Kugitangtau - high, huge mulberry trees in gorges, century plane trees is peculiar.
In a hollow of a plane tree of Uchdogan about ten people can easily be placed. The grove of an unabi contains about 2 thousand trees and the holy site is considered local population. Unabi (it is called the Chinese date) is famous for medicinal properties for a long time.
The legend says - once here stopped to take rest the respectable traveler. Having grieved that around not enough greens are also not present a shadow, the old man struck with a staff the stone soil. Also there was from the earth a crystal spring, the beautiful garden appeared.
Mealy fruits of this rare wood breed were since ancient times used against heart troubles, kidneys, a liver, a stomach. Mount Kugitangtau represent a southwest spur of the Gissar Range which western (Turkmen) slope is put by the top limestones.
Here many karst caves are revealed. Which extent - many kilometers, is the real underground labyrinths, fine and mysterious. Water, a drop behind a drop bearing dissolved limestone as if the skillful designer updates a decor of caves.
Are necessary for many years that the stone icicles decorating the arches of vaults - stalactites and stalagmites grew by centimeters. This magnificence was created many thousands of years.
Oleg Vinokurov. <