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Depot locomotive in Turkestan.

Fact-finding Turkestan tour.
“I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers”
Langston Hughes.
Trip from Kentau to Turkestan.
The depot locomotive in Turkestan, is constructed in 1904. Enters a complex the railway junction of the station Turkestan. It is located along railway, to the South from the station. Represents a considerable construction, 16 turntables of two compartments, with the top lamps, located a fan on a segment for repair of engines and the 2-storey rectangular case with workshops and an administrative part.
A functional part of the main volume of the building around, a rhythmical of facades the edges imitating buttresses, existence especially high ворот of big windows create characteristic shape of a production construction.
In a decor of facades of construction actively an a figured bricklaying. Over windows of an administrative part in the brick equipment date of a of the building - "1904" is laid out. Interiors of are plastered and whitewashed.
In an of facades elements of the figured calculation are used.
Arch of historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan. Southern Kazakhstan area. Volume 1. Alma-Ata. Main editorial office "Kazakh of an Entsiklopediyasa", 1994. Author of article E.G. Malinovskaya.
Alexander Petrov.