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Home » Kazakhstan bird watching tours. Birdwatching atound Almaty.

The description of places and birds in Kazakhstan.

Best Bird Watching tours Kazakhstan.

“Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure” 

Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. “A Story from Different Seasons”.

Nature of Kazakhstan is very rich and different – huge steppes and lakes, flowering oasises and lifeless alkali soils. Fauna of Kazakhstan includes 178 species of Mammal, 49 species of Reptile, 12 species of Amphibian. But that the region of Kazakhstan is very interesting and perspective for the birds  and we are glad to offer an interesting opportunity for them.
Our ornithological tours are conducted in Kazakhstan only in the mountains of Northern Tien-Shan, nearby deserts and semi-deserts; Western Tien-Shan, region of Balkhash lake.

Birding Ecotours in Kazakhstan.

Species of birds Almaty. 

Roller -  coracias garrullus
Lesser Grey Shrike – lanius minor
Swallow – hirundo rustica
House Martin – delichon urbica
Red-rumped Swallow – hirundo daurica
Grag Martin – ptyonoprogne rupestries
Rock –Dove – columba livia
Turtle Dove – streptopelia turtur
Rock – corvus frugilegus

Jachdaw -  colonus monedula
Starling – sturnus vulgaris
Common Mynah – acridotheres tristis
Skylark – alauda arvensis
Calandra Lark – melanocorypha calandra
Red-headed Bunting – emberiza bruniceps
Black Kite – milvus korschum
Isabelinne Wheater – oenanthe isabellina

Species of birds in Big Almaty lake.  

Ibis-Bill – ibidorhyncha strut-hersi
Bearded Vulture – gypaeetus barbatus
Golden eagle – aquila chisaeetos
Himalayan Snowcock – Tetraogallus himalayensis
House Martin – delichon urbica
Songar Tit -  parus songarus
Coal Titmouse – parus ater
Dipper – cinclus cinclus
Brown Dipper – cinclus pallasii
Wren – troglodytes troglodytes
Eversmann’s Redstart – phoenicurus erythronotus
Blue-headed Redstart – phonicurus caeruleocephalus
Himalayan Rubythroat – luscinia pectoralis



Whistling Thrush – myophonus caeruleus
Mistle Thrush – turdus viscivorus
Yellow-browd Warbler – phylloscopus inornatu
Olivaceous Willow Warbler- hippolais pallida
Goldcrest – regulus regulus
Severtzov’s Tit Warbler – leptopocile sophiae
Himalayan Accentor – prunella himalayana
Black-throated Accentor -  prunella atrogularis
Brown Accentor – prunella fulvescens
Tree Pipit – anthus trivialis
Hodgson’s Rosy finch – leucosticte nemoricola
Gold-Fronted Serin – serinus pusillus
Crossbill – loxia curvirostra
Red-mantled Rose Finch- carpodacus modochlamys
White winged Grosbeak – Mycerobas carnipes

Species of birds in Small Almaty gorge. 

Carrion Crow – corvus corone
Magpie – pica pica
Blackbird – turdus merula
Scarlet Grosbeak – carpodacus erythrinus
Goldfinch – carduelis carduelis
Great Titmouse – parus major
Grey Wagtail – notacilla einerea
Common Mynah -  acridotheres tristis
Greenish Warbler – phylloscopus trochiloides
Yellow- browed Warbler – phylloscopus inornatu

Species of birds in the Altyn Emel National park. 

Ruddy Sheld Duck – tadorna ferruginea
Griffon Vulture – cyps fulvus
Cinereous Vulture – aegypius monachue
Golden Eagle – aquila chrisaeetos
Imperial Eagle – quila heliaca
White-tailed Eagle – haliaeetus abbicilla
Long-legged  Buzzard – buteo rufinus
Short-toed Eagle – circaeetus ferox
Bearded Vulture – gypaeetus barbatus
Chukar – alectoris kakelik
Pheasant – phasianus colchicus
Black-bellied Sandgrouse – pterocles orientalis
Pallas’s Sandgrouse – syrrhaptes paradoxus
CucKoo – cuculus canorus
Little Owl – athene noctua
Bee-eater – merops corax
Roller – coracias garrulus
Hoopoe – upupa epops
Swift – apus apus
White-winged  woodpecker – denrocopos leucopterus


Short-toed Lark – calandrella cinerea
Red-rumped swallow – hirundo daurica
Raven – corvus corax
Azure Tit – parus flavipectus
Turkestan Tit - parus bokharensis
Great Rock Nuthatch – sitta tepharonota
Isabelinne Whaeyear – oenanthe isabellina
Pied Wheatear – oenanthe pleschanca
Rock Thrush – monticolla saxatilis
Blur rock Thrush – monticola solitatius
Black Redstart – phoenicurus ochruros
Cetti’s Warbler -  cettia cetti
Desert Warbler – silvia nan
Whitethroat – sylvia communis
Tawny Pipit – anthus campestris
Great Grey Shrike – lanius excubitor
Rose-colored Starling – pastor roseus
White-capped Bunting – Emberiza stewardi
grey-neched Bunting – emberiza buchanani
Red-headet Bunting – emberiza bruniceps
Rock Bunting – emberiza cia
Indian sparrow – passer indicus
Crimson-winged Finch – rhodopechys sanguinea

Species of birds Charyn Canyon. 

Egyptian vulture – neohron percnopterus
Steppe kestrel – palco naumanni
Rock partridge – alectoris kakelis
Rock dove – columba livia
Grey-necked bunting – emberiza buchanani
Shore-lark – eremophila alpestris
Common sandpiper – trinda hypoleucos.

Species of birds Ashen Relict grove.

Black Stork – ciconia ciconia
Ruddy Sgeld-Duck – tadorna ferruginea
Sparrow Hawk – accipter hisus
Hobby – falco subbuteo
Pheasant – phasianus colchicus
Turtle Dove – streptopelia turtur
CucKoo – cuculus canorus
Scops owl – otus scops
King Fischer – alcedo atthis
Roller – coracias garrulus

Hoopoe -  upupa epops
Whitewinged  Woodpecker – Dendrocopos
Golden Oriole – orinolus orinolus
Azune Tit – parus cyanus
Turkestan Tit – parus Bokharensus
Penduline Tit – Remiz coronatus
Nightingale – luscinia megarhynchos
Mistle Trush – turdus viscivorus
Blackbird – turdus merula

Species of birds Karkara valley.

Ruddy Sheld Duck – Tadorna ferruginea
Mallard – anas platyrhyncha
Bearded Vulture – gypaeetus barbatus
Cinereous Vulture – aegypius monachus
Golden Eagle – aquila chrisaeetos
Black Kite – milvus koschum
Kestrel – falco tinnunculus
Quail – coturnix coturnix
Corncrake – crex crex
Little Ringed Plover – charadrius dubius
Lapwing – vanellus vanellus
Ibis-Bill – ibidorhyncha strut-hersi

Common Sandpipper – trinda hypoleucos
Common Snipe – gallinago gallinago
Common Tern – sterna hirundo
Eastern Rufous Turtle Dove – streptopelia orientalis
Swift – apus apus
Skylark – alaunda arvesis
Isabelinne Wheatear – oenanthe isabellina
Citrine Wagtail – motacilla citreola
Linnet – acanthis cannabina
Grey-headed Goldfinch – carduelis caniceps

Species of birds Sorbulak lake.

Great Crested Grebe – podiceps cristatus
Black-necked Grebe – podiceps nigcollis
Little Grebe – podiceps ruticollis
Cormorant – phalacrocorax carbo
Dalmatian Pelican – pelecanus onocratalus
Grey Heron – ardea cinerea
Large Egret – egretta alba
Nute Swan – cygnus olor
Ruddy Sheld-Duck – tadorna ferruginea
Sheld-Duck – tadorna tadorna
Mallard – anas platyrhyncha
Gadwall – anas atrepera
Wigeon -  anas penelope
Carganey – anas querquedula
Shoveler – anas clypeata
Red-crested Pochard – netta rufina
Pochard –  aythya ferina
Tufted Pochard - fuligula
Coof – bulica atra

Little Bittern – ixobrichus minutus
Little Ringed Plover -  charadrius dubius
Kentish Plover – charadrius alexandrinus
Lapwing –vanellus vanellus
Black-winged Terek-Sandpiper
Collared Pratincole – glareola pratincola
Yellow-legged Gull – larus cachinnans
Black-headet Gull – larus ridibundus
Black tern – chidonias niger
White-winged Black -  chlidonias leucoptera
Gull-billed Tern – geliochelidon nilotica
Masked Wagtail – motacilla personata
Siberian stone-chat – saxiola torquata maura
Roller – coracias garrulus
Hoopoe – upupa epops
Bee-eater – merops apiaster
Montagu’s Harrier – circus pygargus
Marsh-Harrier – circus aeruginosus

Species of birds Taukum Desert.

Macqueen’s Bustard – otis undulata
Stone-Curlew – burhinus oedicnemus
Large Sand-Plover – charadrius leschenaultii
Caspian Plover – charadrius asiacus
Black-bellied Sandgrouse  - pterocles orientalis
Pallas’s  Sandgrouse – syrrhaptes paradoxus
Turtle Dove – streptopelia turtur
Cuc Koo – cuculus canorus
Nightjar -  caprimulgus europaeus
Bee-eater – merops apiaster
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater – merops supercilliosus
Roller – coracias garrulus
Hoopoe – upupa epops
Swift -  apus apus
Black-Kite – milvus korschun
Short-toed Eagle – circaeetus ferex
Imperial eagle – quila heliaca
Steppe Eagle – aquila rapax
Long-legged Buzzard – buteo rufinus
Sparrow Hawk – accipiter nisus
Kestrel – falco tinnunculus
Lesser Kestrel – falco naumanni

Hobby – falco subbuteo
Demoiselle Grane – anthropoides virgo
Little Owl – athene noctua
Crested Lark – galerida cristata
Short-toed Lark – calandrella cinerea
Calandra Lark – melanocoripha calandra
Eastern Calandra Lark – melanocorypha bimaculata
Sand Martin – riparia riparia
Swallow – hirundo rustica
Brown  necked Raven – corvus ruficollis
Stonechat – saxicola torquata
Isabelline Wheatear – oenanthe isabellina
Tammy Pipit – anthus campestris
Great Grey Shrike – lanius excubitor
Rufousbacked Shrike – lanius schach
Isabelline Shrike – lanius benecuroedus
Red-headet Bunting emberiza bruniceps
Spanish   Sparrow – passer hispaniolensis
Indian Sparrow – passer indicus
Desert Finch – phodospiza obsoleta

Species of birds Kanshengel village, Topar lakes and Zhilturanga valley.

Ferruqinosus Duck – Aythya nyroca
Red-crested pochard – netta rufina
White  tailed Eagle – haliaeetus albicilla
Black Kite – milvus korschum
Long-legged Buzzard – buteo rufinus
Shikra – accipiter badius
Hobby – falco subbuteo
Pheasant – phasianus colchicus
Black-winged Stilf – himantopus himantopus
Avocet – recurvirostra avosetta
Turtle Dove – streptopelia turtur
Eastern Stock Dove columba eversmanni

Blue-cheeked Bee-eater merops supercilliosus
Roller – coracias garrulus
Hoopoe – upupa epops
White winged Woodpecker – dendrocopos leucopterus
Azure Tit – parus cyanus
Turkestan Tit - parus bokharensis
Cetti’s Warbler – cettia cetti
Great Grey Shrike lanius excubitor
Starling – sturnus vulgaris
Saxaul Sparrow - passer  ammodendri

Species of birds Saryishykotyrau  desert.

desert raven – corvus corax
desert warbler – silvia nana
desert finch – phodospiza obsoleta
ground  jay – gorrulus grandarius
salt-marsh lark – calandrella leucophaea
great grey shrike – lanius excubitor

Species of birds of Boguty mountains.

short-toed lark – calandrella cinerea
pallas's  sandground – syrrhaptes paradoxus
black-bellied sand-grouses  -  pterocles orientales

Species of birds Aksu-Dzhabagly Preserve.

White-throated Robin trania gutturalis
Azure  Tit – parus cyanus
Himalayan Tit -  parus himalaya
Grey Wagtail – notacilla cinerea
Dipper -  cinclus cinclus
Blue Whistling Thrush – myophonus caeruleus
White-winged Grosbeaks – mycerobas carnipes
Himalayan Acceptor – prunella himalayana
Brown Accentor – prunella fulvesceus
Red-mantled Rosefinch – carpodacus modochlamy
Red-fronted Serin – serinus pusillus
Crimson-winged Finch – rhodopechys sanguinea
Wallcreeper tuchodroma muraria
Snowcock – tetraogallus

Golden Eagle – aquila chrisaeetos
Bimaculated  lark – melanocorypha bimaculata
Calandra Lark – melanocoripha calandra
Short-toed lark – calanrella cinerea
Lesser Short-toed Lark – calandrella rufescens
Isabelline wheater  - oenanthe isabellina
Pied Wheatear - oenanthe pleschanca
Desert Wheatear – oenanthe deserti
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater – merops supercilliosus
Rollers – coracias garrulus
Hoopoe  – upupa epops
White-tailed Plover – chettusia leucura
Little Bittern – ixobrichus minutus
Spoonbill – platalea leucofea
Purple Heron – ardea pupurea
White Pelican  - pelicanus onocrotalus

Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2006. Under the general edition of R. Yachenko. The international union of wildlife management IUCN - The World Conservation Union. Geographical features (on Kerteshev, Vagapov 2001). Reserves USSR. Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Moscow "Idea", 1990.

Alexander Petrov.