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Domalak ana.

Monuments Travel in Kazakhstan.
“An ancient burial site will always hold clues as to who the people were, and to who we are”
Anthony T. Hincks.
Photo Travel and Tours in Kazakhstan.
Domalak ana (an original name of Nuril, the daughter Shaykhy Mizambeka) - one of legendary mothers of the Kazakh people. Domalak ana is the third wife of the batyr Baydibek Karashaula who headed tribes, inhabiting Semirechye, Alban, Suan, Dulat's mother.
The modest, loving mother radiating the love on all children the clairvoyant had the gift to expect the future. In the people it was called "Domalak ana", "Domalak to the neena" because of her small growth. It is a lot of stories and legends it is put in the people about this woman.
Is also such which correspond to the vital facts, are close to the truth. Domalak ana was a fragile constitution, low growth, but vigorous and easy in the movements. Kind, resourceful, polite, she had also the gift of a prophecy - its predictions often came true.
This gift of anticipation was shown at Domalak ana early. Numerous legends of it remained. In one of them it is told: "Baydibek was very rich person of the time. On its pastures thousands of horses, camels, sheep were grazed.
He sent caravans to the East and to the West. Once the aul of Baydibek which was located at Ridge Karatau foot was attacked suddenly by enemies and stole thousands of his horses. At this time Baydibek and other zhigita were far from the aul.
Having heard a message about attack, Badibek brought together group and together with six sons from the senior wife Sara to a baybisha went to a pursuit. The day before from one thousand stolen horses the only one wild, not trained horse returned to the aul. It stood on a leash near a yurta-otau Domalak ana.
Addressing Baydibek, she told: "Do not pursue the enemy. The bay stallion remained with us. In six days the rebellious herd will return to you. Let zhigita, such is my desire will be live". But the batyr did not listen to the wife and went to a way.
Having caught up with the enemy on the pass Kuyuk, entered battle. However well armed enemy won a victory over small group of Baydibek. All six of his sons died in this fight. Having buried them in the valley Ushkarasay, he came back home.
In six days the huge herd of horses came back home". And there is a lot of such predictions. Domalak ana is buried on the plain in the mouth of the river of Braids Bogen. Before death she told relatives: "You do not work to bury me near the batyr (Baydibek).
Bring a white camel, ship on him my remains and go after him.Where the camel will kneel, there and it will be fated to be based to me". And relatives buried the worthy mother. Grateful descendants on this place built the mausoleum.
Its dome which it is visible from a distance among the scope surrounded with bluish and gray mountains and is a grave esteemed by all Domalak ana, Nurila. Much water has flowed under the bridges since then, there passed centuries, and the footpath to a grave of the woman esteemed in the people as the
Saint does not grow. In it the eternal respect treated to the wise woman is shown, put love of the descendants continuing it.