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Emdy mountains on Mangyshlak.

Mountain heights on Mangyshlak.
"Great things are done when men and mountains meet..."
William Blake.
Mountain ranges on Mangyshlak.
Emdy Mountains are located in the central part of the Mangyshlak Peninsula, in the northern part of the Karataushyk Mountains, in the eastern part of the Kaushe Mountains, to the south of the Koshak Bay in the Mangystau region of the region of the same name.
The sublatitudinal mountains of Emdy stretch from northwest to southeast for 14 kilometers, their width is small and reaches 2 – 3 kilometers in some places. The mountains on the south side are more like a chink plateau that rises to the north.
The valley stretching between the northern and northeastern slopes of the Karataushyk mountains and the southern slopes (chinks) of the Emdy mountains has two names. In the eastern part, this is the Beskempir valley, in the central and western part, this is Dalapa.
The valley is a kind of watershed between the above mountains. The highest elevation on the Emdy plateau in the eastern part is Mount Emdykorgan with a height of 290 meters above sea level. The next highest mountain is Akzhol, 277.5 meters above sea level, also located in the eastern part of the mountains.
The northwestern border of the mountains is a long ravine and a drying stream Kumakapa, the mouth of which is located in the northeastern part of the Sarytash Bay. The surface of the Yemda mountains looks like a wavy plateau 3 - 9 kilometers wide with remnant peaks that have been preserved in some places.
The plateau is indented by numerous ravines-sai, which have steep, sometimes sheer slopes. The relief of the mountains is a very complex, stretching several rows of low ridges with steep southern and gentle northern slopes up to 20 or more meters high.
Geographical coordinates of Emdy Mountains on Mangyshlak Peninsula: N44°23'41.33" E51°24'01.14"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.