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Excursion on Ashgabad.

Excursions on natural and architectural sights of Turkmenistan.
Ashgabat. Is the capital of Turkmenistan with the population of 450 thousand people. Based only in 1881 and destroyed completely in 1948 by the terrible earthquake Ashgabad is now one of the most beautiful and biggest cities of Central Asia. It has a lot of parks, museums, and original architectural monuments and buildings.
President's square with president's palace, monument to the victims of the Earthquake of 1948 and ark of Neutrality.
In the museum of History are gathered unique exhibits of rich history and material culture of Turkmenistan from the epoch of Paleolit till our days. Very interesting are the foundations of the Bronze century in Margiana and antic period in Old Nisa.
The Turkmen Carpet Museum. Here are exhibited carpets and other decorative things made of wool, which are gathered all over the Turkmenistan. Among them is the biggest in the world carpet. Its size is 80 x 10 miters.
Arch of Neutrality is the bright example of modern architecture.
Ertogul Gazy Mosque one of the Ashgabat mosques is Ertogrul-Gazy Mosque. It is constructed in typical Turkish-Ottoman style, uncharacteristic for Central Asia. This mosque was named in the honour of ancestors of two nations Turkmen and Turk. This unique complex consists not only of traditional religious building but madrasah, cultural centre (library, assmbly hall with he capacity of 250 seats, baquet room) and park. The mosque’s ocupancy is 3 500 people. It was opened in 1998 year.
Oriental Market. This bazaar is one of the pillars of Oriental traditions. Trade is the here. Whatever you want, it is sold here. Famous Turkmen carpets, jewwellery, silk.
Cable Way new attraction of Ashgabat, located in the Kopetdag Mountains. Everyone can admire the beauty of Ashgabat from the bird’s eye view.
Jugyldyk “Tolkuchka” bazaar. Here are the section of masterpieces of the national craftsmen, ornments and hand-woven colourful silk-textiles, famous Turkmen carpets, Jewellery and many more.
The short description of excursion on Ashgabad:
Ashgabad - visiting Old Nisa - mosques Rukhy - mosques Ertogul Gazy of a monument the Neutrality - the state national historical museum of Turkmenistan.
Extension of a route: 33 km.
Seasonality: All-year-round.
Advance order – 48 hours before.
The Best time for travel: from 1 of April to 30 of September.
2 days and 1 nights.
The detailed program of tour day after day on sights Ashgabad:
1 Day. Excursion on Ashgabad, visiting Old Nisa, mosques Rukhy (33 km).
Excursion in a museum of a Turkmen carpet. In a museum some hundreds the best samples of carpets of Turkmenistan are collected, the oldest carpet is dated XVII century. Here there is a second-largest carpet in the world a carpet of manual work - «Golden Age Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi», the area of a carpet makes 301 square meters, the carpet - more than ton weighs. Visiting of a national museum of history of Turkmenistan, a monument of Independence of Turkmenistan, the Arch of the Neutrality, a memorial architectural ensemble "Earthquake". After a lunch a trip on ancient site of ancient settlement Nisa (18 km). Ancient site of ancient settlement Nisa date I in the millenium up to BC. The site of ancient settlement consists of two fortresses: Old and New Nisa. Old Nisa was an imperial residence in Parthian, the New residence carried out functions of capital of Parthia. During existence Prthian Old Nisa referred to in honour of tsar Mitridata I under which order the town has been constructed. During this period Nisa was capital of empire, but later the capital has been transferred to Asia Minor. With arrival Sasanids Nisa has absolutely lost power, the town has been plundered and forgotten. The new stage in history Nisa begins with its ocurrence in structure Arabian Khalifats. The town again has risen, but to reach former power and could not. The beginning of final decline concerns to XI century, in 20th years of XIX century Nisa already represented ruins. The further transfer to mosque Turkmenbashi Rukhy (15 km). The mosque is located in Niyazov Kipchak's native village Saparmurata in 15 kilometers from Ashgabad. The mosque is a great architectural construction of an epoch of Saparmurata Niyazov. The total area of a mosque makes 18 000 square meters, height of a mosque - 55 meters. Near a mosque is four 80-ти a meter minaret. Capacity of a mosque for 7000 men and 3000 women. In 2006 of president Niyazov have buried in a sarcophagus which is in the center of the mausoleum. Here remains of its mother, the father and two brothers who have lost during earthquake in 1948 are based. Returning in Ashgabad.
2 Day. Ashgabad.
The beginning of excursion across Ashkhabad. Visiting of mosque Ertogrulgazy is one of the most beautiful mosques of Ashkhabad, constructed in turkish style, the biggest is in town. On a mosque there is four minarets a height of each of them of 62,22 meters In a mosque, considered the house of the God, on a ground floor there is a man's hall, on the second floor there is a female hall. In halls can simultaneously pray up to 5 000 person. At manufacturing domes and roofs of a mosque lead in quantity of 160 tons was used. Visiting of a monument of the Neutrality also known, as the Arch of the Neutrality - constructed in 1998, height of 95 meters, including 12 a meter sculpture - the highest construction in Turkmenistan with gold statue Turkmenbashi at top. In 2010 the monument has been dismantled with its carry on a today's site. Inside of a construction there is the Museum of the Neutrality consisting of 3 halls. Visiting of the state national historical museum of Turkmenistan, in halls new, constructed after acceptance of independence, the National museum valuable archeological finds of ancient history of Turkmenistan are presented. In funds of a museum - tens man-made monuments of traditional craft creativity and a folk art XVII - XIX centuries. Weaving, an embroidery, ceramics, rug weaving, products of jewellers. In total in an exposition more than 2500 exhibits. After lucnh excursion in a museum of a Turkmen carpet. In a museum there are some hundreds the best samples of carpets Turkmenistan, the oldest carpet concerns to XVII century. Here there is a second-largest carpet in the world of manual work - «Golden Age Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi» which area makes almost 301 square meters, weight - more than ton. Walk on «Track of health». It is possible to carry “Track of health” to sights of Ashkhabad "Serdar-Yoly" which is on southern slopes Kopetdag of a ridge «Asma Yoly” in 12 kilometers from town. It is the concreted foot road, length of 36 kilometers and width of 5 meters which passes on slopes Kopetdag of a ridge. On a precept of the first president each inhabitant of Ashkhabad should pass daily on this path for maintenance of the health and a tone. Rise on cable a way on one of tops of a ridge Kopetdag. Walk on vicinities and road of health «Serdar-Yoly». Survey of Ashkhabad from height of the bird's flight. Returning to Ashkhabad.
Alexander Petrov.