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Expedition on horses in Kyrgyzstan to lake Dzhuku.

Many day-long on horses riding in mountains Terskei Ala-Too.
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home”
Anna Quindlen,
Short description of route of horses riding northern slope of ridge Terskei Ala-Too:
Valley Barskoon – village Tamga – gorge Barskoon – river Kichu-Djargylchak – river Chychkan – gorge Djuuku – river Dyungereme – Lake Chokoly-Kol – Pass Tosor – gorge Sary-Ter – valley Buguymuz.
Distance of route: 630 km.
Season: from 10 of July to 30 of August.
Best time for an excursion: July, August.
Duration of tour: 14 days. 13 nights.
By horse riding: 110 km.
Detailed program of tour day by day on horses in mountains Tien-Shan:
Package tour in Kyrgyzstan.
Day 1. Bishkek - gorge Boom - town of Balykchi - lake Issyk Kul - settlement Tamga (315 km).
Arrival in Bishkek, meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel (30 km), accommodation, rest. Breakfast. Transfer: Bishkek - settlement Ton (270 km). Our way will pass through gorge Boomskoe along the river Chu. At once behind settlement Ton stop on coast of lake Issyk Kul, walk on coast of lake photographing.
The further transfer: settlement Ton - settlement Tamga (45 km). Arrival in settlement Tamga, transfer to the guest house, accommodation, rest, walk on vicinities of settlement dinner and overnight.
Day 2. Gorge Barskoon - natural boundary Chezhi (12 km).
Breakfast. Preparation for travel on horses: visiting of stable of horses, acquaintance to the housekeeping staff, the groom and the guide and the cook. Horse riding: guest house - gorge Barskoon of 2200 meters above sea level - natural boundary Chezhi. Today our first day of campaign on horses riding in mountains Terskei Ala-Too.
From a place of the first stop on rest the majestic and not forgotten panorama of lake Issyk Kul opens. Stop for lodging for the night in fur-tree wood of gorge Barskoon. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 3. River Chon-Dzhyrgylchak - river Kichi-Dzhyrgylchak - river Chychkan (12 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: natural boundary Chezhi - river Chon-Dzhyrgylchak - river Kichi-Dzhyrgylchak - river heads Chychkan of 2800 meters above sea level. From the first lodging for the night we rise on horses to border of wood, Alpine meadows Terskei Ala-Too whence begin, from here it is well visible, laying far below, lake Issyk Kul. Here our following camp for lodging for the night. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight..
Day 4. Natural boundary Chychkan.
Breakfast. Rest in natural boundary Chychkan. The hiking walk to sources of the river Chychkan, at will - trip to shepherds behind koumiss. Lunch. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 5. Gorge Dzhuuku - mountain Ittish - river Dungerme (14 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: natural boundary Chychkan - gorge Dzhuuku - foot mountains Ittish of 4808 meters above sea level - merge of the rivers Dzhuuku and Dungereme. Lunch in way. High mountains Tien-Shan from here begin. In the evening we prepare for fire which we devote to spirits of mountains, after that lodging for the night, we not soon return to zone of wood.
In an evening twilight tops of surrounding mountains die away, sparks from fire depart highly to the sky. Further our way will pass highly in mountains. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 6. Lake Dzhuukuchak - lake Chokoly-Kel (16 km).
Breakfast. Rest. Walking from the river Dzhuuku through pass Dzhuuku of 3633 meters above sea level. In the party, from our way, there is lake Dzhuukuchak. Further horses riding on syrt Arabel, to coast of lake Chokoly-Kyol. Lunch in a way. Returning in base camp. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 7. Pass Djungereme - gorge Kerege-Tash (14 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: merge of the rivers Dzhuuku and Dungereme - gorge Dungereme - pass Dungereme of 3773 meters above sea level. Rest on glade at rocks, under pass, rise on pass. Lunh. Descent from pass in gorge Barskoon, horse riding along road in head gorges Kerege-Tash. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 8. Gorge Kerege-Tash - Lake Chunkur-Kel (8 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: - gorge Kerege-Tash - lake Chunkur-Kyol. From here the high mountains covered by an ice and a snow are visible. A dinner in a way. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 9. The pass Tosor - gorge Sary-Ter (16 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: lake Chunkur-Kol - descent downwards on the river Ashuluu-Ter - pass Tosor of 3893 meters above sea level - descent on gorge Tosor - gorge Sary-Ter. Lunch in a way. Today there will be last lodging for the night in high mountains. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 10. Gorge Sary-Ter - natural boundary Bugumuyuz (20 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: gorge Sary-Ter - Short horses rididng to wood Bugumuiyz. We in zone of wood, among high Alpine meadows. Plaising camp among century fur-trees. Rest, gathering of mushrooms, dinner. Pitch up a tent, dinner and overnight.
Day 11. Wood Bugumuyuz - lake Issyk-Kul - settlement Tamga (12 km).
Breakfast. Horses riding: wood Bugumuyuz - through canyons to lake Issyk Kul. Farewell with horses, the groom. Transfer to settlement Tamga, accommodation to the guest house, bath, dinner, overnight.
Day 12. Lake Issyk Kul.
Breakfast. Reserve day. Rest on lake Issyk-Kul, the walks. Lunch and dinner, overnight.
Day 13. Settlement Tamga - Bishkek (315 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: settlement Tamga - canyon the "Fairy tale" (19 km). On way to Bishkek visiting of canyon "Fairy tale", walk on a canyon. The further transfer: canyon the "Fairy tale" - town of Balykchi - settlement Tokmok - an architectural complex the Tower Burana (224 km). Lunch in a way.
Arrival on an architectural complex the Tower Burana, visiting of museum of history of complex, walk among ancient stone sculptures - Balbals, rise on tower of the Burana, view of vicinities from height of tower. Transfer: the Tower Burana - town of Bishkek (72 km). Arrival in Bishkek, transfer to hotel, evening walk on city. Dinner and overnight.
Day 14. Departure from Bishkek.
Accompanying service at departure to airport "Manas" (30 km), departure from Bishkek.
Photos by
Vasiliy, equestrian club, Tamga village.