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Firdausi National Library.

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«No matter how your mind comprehends science,
Do not know peace in learning for a moment.»
Ferdowsi from "Shahnameh".
Excursion tours to Tajikistan.
Firdousi National Library is located in the southern part of Dusti Square, in the square of Tekhron, 5, Sheroz, Jalolo Ikromi streets and Rudaki Avenue in the center of Dushanbe. The Republican Library named after Firdousi, the great poet, classic of Tajik-Persian poetry, is called the Palace of the Book in Tajikistan.
The library building was built in the traditional Tajik style, combined with elements of modern architecture. The National Library of Tajikistan is the main national book depository of Tajikistan, which is a particularly valuable object of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Republic of Tajikistan.
It is in a special mode of protection and use. The National Library is a state institution of culture, a national repository of the heritage of science and culture, an archive of the national periodical press, a research information and cultural center of republican significance, and its functions meet the basic requirements of UNESCO for libraries of this type.
The library building was built in the traditional Tajik style, combined with elements of modern architecture. Architects S.L. Anisimov; sculptor E.A. Tatarinova, engineer E.L. Barsukov. Library them. A. Firdousi has the status of the main national book depository of Tajikistan, a methodological center and a leading research institution of the republic.
The library was founded in January 1933 on the basis of the city library. In 1934, in honor of the millennial anniversary of "Shahname" Abulkasim Firdousi, the library was named after him, and since 1933 it was given the status of the National Library of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The library was founded in January 1933 on the basis of the city library in Stalinabad, the capital of the Tajik SSR.
1934 - the library was named after the classic of Tajik-Persian literature Abulkasim Firdousi.
1946 - the library fund was more than 1.5 million copies of books.
1954 - Republican State Library. A. Firdousi moved to a new building, which was built in the traditional Tajik style, combined with elements of modern architecture. (Architects S. L. Anisimov; sculptor E. A. Tatarinova, engineer E. L. Barsukova). The reading rooms of the new library could simultaneously accept and serve 400 readers.
1993 - renaming of the Republican State Library named after. A. Firdousi to the National Library. A. Firdousi.
1993 - the opening of the Iranian Cultural Center at the library, the fund of which currently has more than 23 thousand books.
1999 - membership of the library in the Eurasian Library Assembly of BAE.
2001 - creation of the National Center for Interlibrary Loan of the CIS.
2003 - adoption by the Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan of the Law "On Library Activities", which defined the functions of the National Library of Tajikistan;
2005 - approval by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of the "Development Program of the National Library of Tajikistan for 2006 - 2015".
2010 - more than 3 million 30 thousand copies of books and other publications were stored in the fund of the National Library, including unique manuscripts (more than 2200 titles) of famous scientists and writers of the Middle Ages: Rudaki, Firdousi, Ibn Sina, Saadi, etc.
2012 - commissioning of a new building of the National Library of Tajikistan.
2012 - 2013 - opening at the library of the Centers of Culture of the USA, China and Germany.
The new building of the National Library of Tajikistan was opened on March 20, 2012 in the city of Dushanbe with the participation of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. A special pride is the Department of Manuscripts, which contains a unique treasury of Persian-Tajik literature.
A true treasury is the collection of books of the peoples of the Ancient East. The pearls of Tajik culture are the unique manuscripts of famous scientists and writers of the Middle Ages: Rudaki, Firdowsi, Ibn Sina, Saadi.
2201 manuscripts are kept in the Department of Oriental Manuscripts. The National Library today holds more than 3 million 30 thousand copies of books and other publications. Over 2,000 copies of manuscripts and lithographic print folios stored in the library testify to the outstanding originality of the national civilization (culture).
The new nine-story building was built in the form of an open book and meets modern international standards (the length of the building is 167 m, the height is 52 m, the total area is 45,000 square meters). By its size, it is the largest library in the countries of Central Asia.
Near the central facade of the building there are 22 busts of famous heroes of the history of the region, figures of science and literature of the Tajik people. The library has 25 reading rooms, which have 274 workstations for readers, 3 exhibition halls: for displaying ancient manuscripts and rare books; galleries for the exhibition of books on branches of science and knowledge; exhibition hall of new acquisitions of literature; For public events, conferences and symposiums, the library has 9 rooms (for 1100 seats).
The library is equipped with modern technology that allows readers to use the latest information and communication technologies. The library was one of the initiators of the introduction of information technologies in the field of reader services.
An electronic catalog, an electronic library were created, access to library resources was provided, and other innovative projects were implemented that raised the service to a qualitatively new level. The microclimate of the building allows readers to feel comfortable on hot summer days:
reader service department;
bookkeeping department;
directory organization department;
Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Rare Books;
legal information center;
department of periodicals;
department of depositary storage;
department of technical literature and natural sciences;
department of bibliographic service;
department of national bibliography;
department of culture and art;
department of storage of scientific literature;
Center "Tajik studies";
department of editing and publication of literature;
advanced training center;
literature processing department;
department of science and research work;
department of marketing and management of library activities;
On the eve of the opening of the new building of the National Library of Tajikistan, at the call of the public, a collection of books was organized in the republic, in which state and public organizations and the population took an active part. As a result, more than 3 million books and other printed publications were collected.
Currently, the library fund has more than 6 million copies of books, newspapers, magazines and other printed publications, audiovisual and electronic materials.
Geographic coordinates of Firdousi National Library in Dushanbe: N38°34'23.55" E68°47'01.08"
Javad Abed Khorasani.
Alexander Petrov