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GAISH. Zailiyskiy Alatau.

Travels to Big Almaty gorge.
“He loves the mountain breeze,
Thoughts until dawn -
He loves these mountains
To give to comrades"
Ada Yakusheva. "My friend draws mountains."
Nature walks in Big Almaty gorge.
The Astrophysical Institute in the mountains of the Zailiyskiy Alatau (according to the old observatory of the GAISh) of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan named after V.G. Fesenkov. lake, on the northern slope of the Zailiyskiy Alatau in Bostandyk district of the city of Almaty.
State Astrophysical Institute named after Peter Karlovich Sternberg was founded in 1957. The observatory is equipped with various types of solar telescopes and laboratory equipment. The main instruments: a horizontal solar telescope with a mirror diameter of 50 cm and a spectrograph of higher resolving power: coronagraphs (53 and 20 cm) of the B. Lyot system: a photoheliograph with a 20 cm objective lens. spots, flares and point sources of emission.
An important role in the organization and development of the Institute belongs to V.G. Fesenkov and G.A.Tikhov.
At this time, on the territory of the observatory there are:
- Special Solar Observatory,
- Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory.
Both observatories are part of the JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technologies of the NAC of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On the territory of the observatory there is a hotel complex and about a dozen towers with optical instruments. In 2007, the Tien Shan Observatory underwent a major overhaul.
The Special Solar Observatory (Tien Shan Coronal Station or High Altitude Solar Observatory) was established in 1952 on the initiative of V.G. Fesenkov.
Pavel Karlovich Sternberg.
Distinguished professor of astronomy at Moscow University P.K.Sternberg was appointed director of the observatory in 1916. P.K.Sternberg was a member of the Bolshevik Party since 1905, one of the leaders of the underground Military-Technical Bureau.
In 1917, he was in the midst of the October Uprising in Moscow and led one of its most responsible sectors - Zamoskvoretsky. After the revolution, he did a lot of party and state work. The party appoints in 1918. PK Sternberg as commissar of the 2nd Army of the Eastern Front, and then as commissar of the entire front.
In the winter of 1919, he caught a cold while crossing the Irtysh and was brought seriously ill to Moscow, and on February 3, 1920 he was seen off on his last journey.
Geographic coordinates of the GAISH observatory: N43 ° 03'30.33 "E76 ° 58'10.54"
Brief Encyclopedia of the Kazakh SSR, volume 2, Nature, Alma-Ata, 1990.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.