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Gandimyan-Darvaza a gate.

Group inclusive tour across Uzbekistan.
"Extinguish the fire today while you can put out
Fire, as it rises, will burn the whole world.
Do not let the enemy pull bow string,
While you yourself can shoot an arrow "
Zahir ad-Din Mohammed Babur. "Babur-Nama."
Trip from Khiva to the ship graveyard on the Aral Sea.
Gandimyan-Darvaza a gate have been constructed in 1842, concern to building Disjan-Kala. Gandimyan-Darvaza a gate or Gandimyanovskie a gate of Khiva have received the name from the kishlak located nearby where.
In August, 1873 has been signed Gandimyan the contract on which Khivan empire it has been attached to Russia. The contract has grown out frankly aggressive military campaign which in turn was expression of a colonial policy.
And still connection to Russia has played a progressive role in historical fortune the population of Khoresm. Have been cancelled slavery and slave trade, feudal dissociation and interstine wars are liquidated, on territory empire the Russian commercial and industrial capital that promoted development of local productive forces began to get.
The Russian workers who have arrived to Khiva and mechanics, basically banished here «behind unreliability», have brought with themselves Russian culture and revolutionary ideas. At reconstruction gin Gandimyan-Darvaza a gate have been taken down, but in 1970th years of XX century are constructed anew under the saved sketches and photos.