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Glacier Manshuk Mametova.

Mountain travel in Zailiysky Alatau.

“A mountain is, first of all, you know, friends,
With which you walk along a difficult road.
Mountain is a wise lecture, "Eternity and Me."
The mountain is my thoughts about you, dear"

Yuri Vizbor. "Pamir song."

Tourist traverse of Zailiysky Alatau glaciers.

The Manshuk Mametova glacier is located at an altitude of 4082 to 3622 meters above sea level, located on the western slope of the Maloalmatinsky gorge, the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau mountain range in the Medeu region of Almaty.
The highest points of the glacier are the peaks of Manshuk Mametova with a height of 4189.8 meters above sea level, which is located to the east and Antikainen, with a height of 4000 meters above sea level, located to the west.
The Manshuk Mametova glacier is the northernmost glacier of the Tuyuksu mountain glacial basin. This tarry, hanging glacier lies on the western slope of Manshuk Mametova Peak. The glacier is 1.1 kilometers long. Due to the steepness (up to 50 degrees) of the northern slope, the glacier is poorly snowed, ice forms here below the ridge and adjacent rocky ridges.
The glacier has right and left lateral moraines, which are much wider than the end part of the open tongue. The glacier is named after Manshuk Mametova, a hero of the Great Patriotic War. Before the war, she graduated from the rabfak, two courses of the medical institute.
She worked in the apparatus of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR, secretary of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars. In the Red Army since September 1942, clerk of the headquarters of the 100th Kazakh separate rifle brigade, then a nurse.
At the front, she graduated from the machine gunner courses and was appointed the first number of the machine gun crew in the combat unit. On October 15, 1943, in heavy battles for the liberation of Nevel during the defense of the dominant height, one of the machine-gun crew, being seriously wounded by a shrapnel in the head, destroyed 70 enemy soldiers and died a brave death.
Buried in Nevel.
Geographic coordinates of Manshuk Mametova glacier: N43 ° 04'33.62 "E77 ° 06'27.88"

 Tuyuksu Glaciers (Northern Tien Shan). L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. Icing of the Tien Shan. Ed. N. B. Dyurgerova. - M., 1995. Icing of the Trans-Ili Alatau. - M .: Nauka, 1969. Palgov N. N. Bolshealmatinsky glaciation site in the ridge of Zailiysky Alatau. Brief Encyclopedia Kazakh SSR, Volume 2, Nature, Alma-Ata, 1990.

Sergei Mikhalkov.