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Glaciers in Eastern part of Middle Talgar.

Mountains in Talgar gorge.
“You and I will go to the mountains,
To the blue passes
And to the heights of those from which
All misery is just smoke.”
Yuri Vizbor.
Sights of the Middle Talgar gorge.
The glaciers of the eastern part of Middle Talgar are located in the upper reaches of the Middle Talgar gorge, on the territory of the Almaty Nature Reserve and on the northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau ridge. Despite the unfavorable exposure, glaciation on the western slope of the main ridge is much more significant than on the eastern slope of the Stalsky spur.
Here it is at least 13 - 14 square kilometers. The icing on the western slope contributes to the height of the mountains and the presence of a large number of narrow and deep gorges. There is a rare type of glacier, which is an ice band in a winding, falling steep crevice - a couloir.
This backstage glacier is located approximately on the traverse of the foot of the front moraine of the Shokalsky glacier. Being in particularly favorable shading conditions, it has the lowest open end position in the entire river basin from 2900 to 2950 meters above sea level.
On the western slope of the main ridge, other glaciers are also known - the glaciers of Salanova, Kroshka, Talgar South, Talgar North, Kopyr, Ozerny, Malyutki and Karov No. 17.
Tuyuksu Glaciers (Northern Tien Shan). L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984. Icing of the Tien Shan. Ed. N. B. Dyurgerova. - M., 1995. Icing of the Trans-Ili Alatau. - M .: Nauka, 1969. Palgov N. N. Bolshealmatinsky glaciation site in the ridge of Zailiysky Alatau. Brief Encyclopedia Kazakh SSR, Volume 2, Nature, Alma-Ata, 1990.
Photos by
Roman Stetsenko.