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Health resort "Zhanakorgan".

Health resort of South Kazakhstan.
"Going on vacation, take half the things and twice the money"
Rest in Kyzylorda region.
The Health resort "Zhanakorgan" is located in the Zhanakorgan district of the Kyzylorda region, 3.2 kilometers south of the city of Zhankorgan, 114 kilometers north-west of the city of Turkestan, 186 kilometers south-east of Kyzylorda. It is located 5.2 kilometers from the Syrdarya River.
In the environs of the Health resort there are well-known cultural monuments - 8.5 kilometers to the south-west of the mausoleum of Kara-Sopa and 46 kilometers to the south-west of the mausoleum and the mosque of Korasan-ata.
For many years the Health resort has occupied a leading position among the health resorts of Kazakhstan in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The Health resort offers a unique treatment that has no alternative in our republic.
The exclusivity of the situation lies in the fact that the health resort is located on the shore of Lake Teresken, which contains highly active silt mud and brine, which give a powerful healing effect when used for external treatment.
On the basis of modern data and stock materials of the department of balneology, the mud of Lake Teresken is assessed as curative silt, saline, weakly alkaline, strongly and medium sulfide, of satisfactory sanitary-chemical condition.
In its natural form, it is suitable for applications without prior special preparation on shaking screens or other cleaning that reduces the degree of clogging. A prerequisite before use is a satisfactory sanitary and microbiological condition and stability of physical and chemical indicators.
Since 1994, drinking medicinal mineral water has been drilled on the territory of the health resort, which is an analogue of the mineral water of the "Smirnovsky" spring - the Zheleznovodsk sanatorium, used for the treatment of internal diseases and received a worthy assessment among vacationers and patients.
As of 2017, the water is assessed as complying with the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan - ST RK 452-2002 in the status of mineral natural medicinal table drinking water. Of the microelements in this water, the presence of natural iodine in an active concentration of 100 μg/dm³, bromine ions in a concentration of 2.85 - 1.0 mg/dm³, manganese ions - 0.24 mg/dm³, fluorine ions - 0.45 - 0.60 mg/dm³, increasing the balneological value of this water.
Draws upon the presence of organic substances in an active concentration exceeding - 5 mg/dm³. The studied water can serve as an effective non-drug means of treatment and prevention of a number of diseases, incl. digestive organs, musculoskeletal system and is recommended for use in this Health resort.
Currently, the Health resort is fully operational and accepts the following diseases for treatment:
1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue: polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and brucellosis polyarthritis, diseases of bones, tendons, muscles, etc.
2. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: radiculitis, polyradiculoneuritis, neuritis, etc.
3. Gynecological diseases: primary and secondary infertility, chr. inflammation of the appendages, etc.
4. Urological diseases: chronic prostatitis, male infertility, impotence.
5 Gastroenterological diseases: chronic gastritis of all forms, colitis, duodenitis, chronic cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, obesity, gout.
Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment are widely used: ultrasound, EGDS, ECG, hematological, biochemical blood tests, general urine analysis, spermogram, microreaction, smear microscopy, as well as phyto barrel, oxygen cocktail, urological massager Mavit, Yarovit, pantohematogenous baths, honey wrap, salt mine, urological and gynecological massages, Charcot douche, circular douche.
Health resort "Zhanakorgan" is the most accessible health resort in the Republic of Kazakhstan, where both external and internal diseases are treated simultaneously.
Accommodation in the Health resort "Zhanakorgan";
standard, luxury rooms with modern furniture, refrigerator, Otau TV, internet.
Services rendered to vacationers in the Health resort "Zhanakorgan":
4 meals a day, diet food, cafe, billiards, dance floor, physiotherapy room, library, tennis, chess, backgammon, travel to historical sites (Turkestan, Arystan-bab), car parking, special assistance for disabled people, pharmacy.
Contacts for the Health resort "Zhanakorgan";
Mob. phone: + 7 771 098 77 77
Geographic coordinates of the sanatorium "Zhanakorgan": N43 ° 53'03.36 "E67 ° 15'36.85"
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