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Hiking tour in of mountains Fany.

Camping trip in Fany mountains.
“Not all those who wander are lost”
J.R.R. Tolkien.
The short description of a route in Zeravshan ridge Tajikistan:
Dushanbe - gorge Varzob - mountaineering camp Artuch - lakes Kulikolon - Lake Bibidzhanat - pass Alaudin - lakes Alaudin - Muddy lake - pass Chimtarga - Lake Big Allo - a valley of the river Zindon - valley the river Archimajdan - settlement Zimtun - Dushanbe.
Distance of route by vehicle: 476 km.
The hiking extent of a route: 36 km.
Season: from June 1th till September, 30th.
Best time for tour: July - September.
Pax in group: from 1 up to 10 person.
Duration of the tour: 8 days, 7 nights.
The detailed program trekking on mountain lakes of Tajikistan:
Toiurs from Dushanbe to Khorog.
Day 1. Dushanbe - gorge Varzob - pass Anzob of 3373 meters above a level - settlement Aini - settlement Urmetan - settlement Pandzhrud – mountaineering camp Artuch 2170 meters above sea level (246 km).
Transfer: Dushanbe - pass Anzob (90 km). The road up to pass Anzob goes along the river on gorge Varzob. On a way a stop on pass Anzob, short walk and photographing of vicinities. From road the surprising and unique landscape of mountains of Ghissar mountains,
Transfer: pass Anzob - mountaineering camp Artuch (156 km). After settlement Aini our way goes aside the town of Pendjikent along the river Zaravshan. In vicinities of settlement Dashtikazy we turn on the left to settlement Pandzhrud. The asphalted road results us home Abu Abdullo Rudaki - the great Tadjik poet (858 - 941) - Settlement Pandzhrud. Walls of houses and shops of kishlak Pandzhrud are decorated by portraits Rudaki.
A stop at the mausoleum, visiting of mausoleum Rudaki. The further transfer: kishlak Pandzhrud - settlement Artuch - mountaineering camp Artuch (13 km). Local residents of kishlaks for the summer leave on the Alpine meadows with pets - goats, sheeps and cows. Houses of local residents here are combined from a stone and covered by clay. From settlement Artuch up to mountaineering camp Artuch there are 5 kilometers. Arrival in mountaineering camp Artuch, accommodation in cottages. A free time, walk in vicinities. A dinner, overnight.
Day 2. Mountaineering camp Artuch - pass Chukurak - lake Kulikolon (7 km + 1000 m, - 400 m).
Breakfast. The hiking: mountaineering camp Artuch - lake, the further hiking to pass Chukurak of 3180 meters above sea level - lake Bibidzhanat. From Chukurak pass Chukurchak the magnificent panorama on Kulikolon a valley opens. It is a spacious and extensive valley, from the southern party huge 2 kilometer Kulikolon a wall with dominating tops: Intermediate 4740 meters above sea level, Mirali 5106 meters above sea level, Maria of 4920 meters above sea level, Rudakhi 4400 meters above sea level. In this district there are the high-mountainous lakes, incorporating channels and give rise to the river Artuch. The first and uppermost lakes are located at height of 2980 meters above sea level - Dyushakha. Arrival on lakes Kulikalon, placing of camp, a dinner, overnight at lake Bibidzhanat.
3 Day. Lake Bibidzhanat - pass Alaudin of 3860 meters above a level sea - lakes Alaudin (8 km + 1000 m, - 400 m).
Breakfast. The hiking: lake Bibidzhanat - lakes Alaudin. Long descent begins with pass Alaudin downwards to the most beautiful lakes in mountains Fany - Alaudin. The gorge Alaudin of lakes from the south surrounds a snow mountain ridge with the highest tops and set of glaciers. Ascentions on peaks Chapdara and Chimtarga from here begin. Above lakes Alaudin a huge wall top Politehnik of 4241 meters above sea level towers, southern-to the east from peak Politehnik the mountain-beauty Chapdara of 5049 meters above sea level, on the right towers, peak Adamtash of 4579 meters above sea level in the distance towers.
On a way we pass by the Lower and High lakes Alaudin. Lake Lower Alaudin on the river Chapdara it is passable on the right, the lake High Alaudin is in a deep stony bowl and the track passes on the right and left coast of this lake. Cascade Alaudin of lakes has other name - Chapdara. Lakes concern to river basin Psrud. On coast of lakes grows juniper a wood. Lakes depth up to 16,5 meters. Water of the sated color very transparent. The further transition to the Big lake Alaudins. In a northwest part of lake there is a green glade where it is possible to put tents. Here is tea bar forester Ali. Following tea bar it is located at the lake.
On the opposite party of lakes there is a small peninsula, this very beautiful place for camp. In east part of the Big lake Alaudin there is East lake Alaudin in it the river Chapdara runs. These are surprising lakes on beauty. The river follows from the Big lake Alaudin. Walks in vicinities Alaudin a valley in which lakes are located. At desire it is possible to rise on low pass Zierat of 3320 meters above sea level or to make rise on pass Fluorite of 2900 meters above sea level. The ascention on top Fluorite of 3200 meters above sea level from which the kind on all Alaudin and Kulikolon a valley and a wall of peak Mirali will open is possible. Arrival on lakes Alaudin, places of camp, a dinner and overnight in the tents.
4 Day. Lakes Alaudin - Muddy lake of 3600 meters above sea level (5 km, + 700 m).
Breakfast. Hiking: lakes Alaudin - lake Muddy. Our way goes on natural boundary Kaznok to lake Muddy. Arrival on lake Muddy, placing camp, a dinner and overnight.
5 day. Muddy lake - rise under pass Chimtarga of 4480 meters above sea level (5 km, + 1050 m).
Breakfast. Hiking under pass Chimtarga. We rise to a place for camp under pass Chimtarga. The excellent kind on mountain the lock from here opens. Here an empire of stones and rocks. Placing camp, a dinner and overnight.
6 day. Pass Chimtarga of 4740 meters above sea level - lake Big Allo (9 km, + 250 m, - 1600 m).
Breakfast. Hiking to lake Big Allo. The pass Chimtarga is between tops Chimtarga and Energy. The magnificent kind on peak Chimtarga of 5489 meters above sea level and other tops of mountains Fany from here opens. Long hiking to lake Big Allo from here begins. Arrival on lake Big Allo, placing camp, a dinner and overnight.
7 day. Lake Big Allo - a valley of the river Zindon - a valley of the river Archimajdan - settlement Zimtun (6 - 7 km, - 1000 m).
Breakfast. Hiking in settlement Zimtun. Arrival in settlement Zimtun, accommodation in the guest house. A farewell supper in the national house, overnight.
8 day. Settlement Zimtun - settlement Aini - pass Anzob - Dushanbe (230 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: kishlak Zimtun - pass Anzob (140 km). On a way a stop on pass Anzob, short walk and photographing in vicinities. From road the surprising landscape on mountains of Ghissar mountains opens, the road from pass Anzob goes along the river Varzob. Transfer: pass Anzob - Dushanbe (90 km). In front of Dushanbe we pass picturesque gorge Varzob, here it is a lot of vacation spots, hotels, cafe and restaurants.
Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author
The note:
In the hiking of a thing of tourists are delivered on donkeys. Tourists bear in the backpacks personal, necessary things in the hiking.