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Historical and Industrial Museum of K. I. Satpayev.

Excursion walks through museums of Zhezkazgan.
“It was with great pleasure that I got acquainted with the outstanding collection of the museum, the activities of the Kazakhmys corporation and, most importantly, the use of the rich heritage of K. I. Satpayev in modern science and production. Truly talented and passionate people work here!”
Ambassador of Russia to Kazakhstan. Mikhail Bocharnikov. 2010"
Museums of Zhezkazgan.
The Historical and Industrial Museum named after K.I. Satpayev is located at an altitude of 379 meters above sea level, located on Satpayev Street, 2, between Abay and Kurmanbaev streets, 40 meters east of the monument to K.I. Satpayev, on the north side of the management of the Kazakhmys corporation in the city of Zhezkazgan, Ulytau region.
History of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
The museum at the Kazakhmys Corporation was founded on August 1, 1997 on the basis of exhibits of the historical and production museum of the Zhezkazgan mining and metallurgical plant and the geological and mineralogical museum named after N.V. Valukinsky village of Rudnik and the museum and exhibition complex named after N. Valukinsky was called. It was opened to visitors on January 23, 1998.
The museum at the Zhezkazgan copper plant in the village of Rudnik was opened in December 1947. By order of the Zhezkazgan Copper Plant No. 8 dated January 20, 1950, at the request of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR K.I. Satpayev Museum was named after its founder - Nikolai Valukinsky.
The historical and production museum of the Zhezkazgan plant was opened on April 22, 1970. The first director of the museum was Sutemgen Bukurov. The opening of the museum was preceded by a lot of preparatory and research work. Documents, models, memorial banners, diplomas, certificates, books, photographs introduced visitors to the achievements of Zhezkazgan residents in the construction of the plant and the city.
In connection with the expansion of the area and replenishment of the fund of the museum and exhibition complex. N.V. Valukinsky personal belongings, documents and materials about the first president of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev On September 18, 2008, the complex was renamed into the historical and production museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
Purpose of activities of the Historical and Production Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
Cultural and educational activities aimed at promoting the history of industrial development of the Zhezkazgan region and Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, studying, collecting and storing objects of material and spiritual culture.
Objectives of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
Purposeful acquisition, storage and comprehensive use of museum valuables for educational, propaganda and educational purposes. Study of copper ore deposits in Kazakhstan, which are part of the structure of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, mainly Zhezkazgantsvetmet PA; strengthening through museum means the promotion of the achievements of miners, concentrators, metallurgists and determining their role and place in the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan; propaganda and explanation of the philosophy and history of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP and its production facilities.
Formation of a sense of patriotism, respect for the cultural, spiritual and historical values of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan; career guidance work and education of youth in the spirit of the best traditions of the historical past of Kazakhstan.
Funds of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
About 2,000 exhibits are exhibited in the museum's halls.
The museum's archival fund stores materials on the history of the Bronze Age in the Zhezkazgan-Ulytau region, on the history of the exploration and development of the Zhezkazgan copper deposit, about the Zhezkazgan plant and its people; documents, personal belongings of famous personalities: academician Satpayev K.I., first director of the Zhezkazgan plant Gurba V.V., Honored geologist, head of the geological exploration expedition of Zhezkazgan Shtifanov V.V., director Zhezkazgan Mining Administration Bupezhanova M.K.; honored and honorable miners and metallurgists; managers and workers of the mining and production sites of the Karsakpai and Zhezkazgan plants, party leaders, Heroes of Socialist Labor and Heroes of the Soviet Union - residents of Zhezkazgan and many other interesting materials.
Exposition of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
The museum consists of three halls, divided among themselves according to the themes of the exhibits presented. The historical countdown of the museum's collection begins with the Paleozoic era (about 400 million years ago).
The paleontology section presented in the first hall introduces samples of fossil remains and imprints of ancient organisms: corals, mollusks, crinoids, one of the first terrestrial woody plants, reptiles, etc. Getting to know the past of Zhezkazgan as a copper deposit begins with archaeological finds collected by archaeologist-enthusiast Nikolai Vasilyevich Valukinsky.
The archaeological collection includes objects of labor and everyday life of ancient miners, enrichers and metallurgists of the Bronze Age - stone chippers, hammers, pestles and mortars for grinding ore, copper, bronze, ceramic products, grinding stones, etc.
All this evidence of the past times of the copper mining region was discovered at the ancient settlements of Mila-Kuduk, Sor-Kuduk, Ainakul. Nikolai Valukinsky left notes, sketches, and diagrams. His materials were used in the work of A. Margulan “Begazy-Dandybaevskaya culture of Central Kazakhstan.”
The invaluable asset of the museum is the mineralogical collection, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. The unusual shapes of the unique mineral samples of Zhezkazgan never cease to amaze everyone who witnesses their beauty.
Golden chalcopyrite, variegated bornite, sky-blue azurite, velvety malachite, needle-shaped betechtenite, reminiscent of either the surface of the sea or a scowling urchin, “whiskers” of native silver and many other minerals of the deposit open to the eyes of visitors and fascinate with their splendor.
Documents, photographs, and exhibits reflect the history of the Zhezkazgan deposit, from the time of the first descriptions to the formation of the giant of the mining and metallurgical industry, a major producer and supplier of copper in Kazakhstan - the Kazakhmys Corporation.
An extensive exhibition “Kazakhmys - a chronicle of events since 1995” is presented. It offers visitors a demonstration of videos about the Zhezkazgan Mining and Metallurgical Combine, the activities of a modern corporation, about K.I. Satpayev, famous people who contributed to the formation and development of the Zhezkazgan region, historical films, films about the sights of Ulytau.
In the third hall of the museum, visitors will see the furniture of academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpayev, who, being first the head of the geological exploration service in Zhezkazgan, and then the president of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, achieved the inclusion of Zhezkazgan in the ranks of the largest deposits in the world, thereby marking the beginning of the construction of one of the largest non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises in the USSR – Zhezkazgan Mining and Metallurgical Combine in the 30s.
The museum also presents a small exhibition “The office of the first director of the Zhezkazgan plant, Victor Gurba,” who led the plant in 1958-1981. It was under his leadership of the plant that giant mines, a copper smelter in Zhezkazgan, processing plants were built, new self-propelled mining equipment was developed, tested and introduced.
V. Gurba did a lot for the construction of housing and social and cultural facilities in the cities of Zhezkazgan and Satpayev.
Large projects of historical and production museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
Historical and ethnographic expedition “To the historical places of the great Khan Abylay” under the auspices of “Abylay Khan - a symbol of independent Kazakh statehood” as part of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 300th anniversary of the birth of Abylay Khan and the 555th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Hordes 2011.
Active participation in the work of the NGO “Kazakhtyn Ket Bukasy” on the creation and promotion of the project of opening the Historical and Ethnocultural Memorial Complex “Mangilik El” in Zhezkazgan with a monument to the public figure, akyn Ulyk Zhyrau Ket Buka Atalyk bi.
2013 The Museum constantly carries out a lot of organizational work to popularize the name of Ketbugi. In order to perpetuate the memory of the miners who died in the mines of Zhezkazgan, as a sign of deep gratitude for their contribution to the development of the Zhezkazgan copper region (1945 - 2014), a Book of Memory was prepared and published in Russian and Kazakh languages. Currently, the Book is in the Orthodox church and mosque in Satpayev. 2004 A scientific expedition to Kyrgyzstan with the establishment of scientific relations with scientists and art historians of the republic. 2014.
Museum employees are working to search for Red Army soldiers who died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War, called up from the Zhezkazgan-Ulytau region. Based on the search results, delegations of soldiers’ relatives are organized to visit the mass graves, and personalized plaques are installed.
The Book of Memory “Bozdaktar” was compiled and published. On the basis of the museum's exhibits and with its active participation, museum exhibitions were organized in Astana at the office of the Kazakhmys corporation, in the Miners' Palace of the city of Satpayev, and in schools. Satpayev and Zhezkazgan, in the village of Baikonur.
Participation in the creation of the memorial complex “Bulanty Shaikasy-1727” (more than 90 memorial plaques of participants in the Battle of Bulanty). It is planned to publish the book “Monuments of history and architecture of the Zhezkazgan-Ulytau region.”
Materials developed and published by Historical and Production Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
Booklets dedicated to life and activities:
- the first director of the Dzhezkazgan MMC V.V. Gurba.
- Honored Geologist of Kazakhstan V.I. Shtifanov.
- Honored Builder of Kazakhstan D.N. Populidi.
- Honored Metallurgist of Kazakhstan K. Beksultanov.
- Honorary citizen of Karsakpai village K. Mamakhov.
- Honored Cultural Worker of Kazakhstan Sh. Dildebaev.
- Honorary citizen of Zhezkazgan, energy worker S. L. Lapan.
- Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Honorary Citizen of Satpayev G. Safargaliev.
- Honored Party Leader of the KazSSR, Honorary Citizen of Zhezkazgan A. Talkenov.
- driver K.I. Satpayev, holder of the Order of Lenin Batyrbaev K.
- Honorary citizen of the city of Satpayev and the city of Karazhal, poet S.K. Asatov.
- Honorary citizen of Satpayev and Zhezkazgan, miner-engineer Zh. Zhakypbekova.
- laureate of the USSR State Prize, Honored Inventor and Innovator of the Kazakh SSR D. Yeshpanov.
- Honored Economist of Kazakhstan O. Isaev.
- hydrogeologist A. Mamakov
- Booklet “65 Years of Victory” about Zhezkazgan residents - participants in the Great Patriotic War.
- Booklets about the mausoleum, Alasha Khan, Zhoshi Khan mausoleum, Terekty-aulie.
Books published by Historical and Production Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
“He led Rudny Zhezkazgan. Memoirs of contemporaries" (about V. Gurba).
“The Patriarch of Mine Construction. Memoirs of contemporaries" (about G. Omarov).
“Karashanyraktyn yesi. Kader Matkenuly tyraly estelecteri taba.”
Yu. G. Popov, N. P. Rusakov “The Road to Kounrad.”
“Karsakbaidyn kokesi”, “Saryarka sanlagy” (about K. Mamakhov).
“Zhenisti de zhemisti zhyldar”, “Shynyrauda shyndalgan” (about A. Shegirbaev).
"Vasily Ivanovich Shtifanov."
S. Asatov “Salemde, kishitaudyn serigine.”
"Alashtyn Ketbukasy".
A. Yanushkevich “Diaries and letters from a trip to the Kazakh steppes.”
Book of Memory - Bozdaktar (about war participants who went to the front from Zhezkazgan and Ulytau).
Tourist atlas of monuments of the Zhezkazgan-Ulytau region.
Honorary guests of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev.
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, prominent scientists and creative intelligentsia from around the world, government officials from Kazakhstan, Korea, Israel, the USA, Ukraine, England, Poland, Uzbekistan, diplomats from Hungary, Turkey, France, Russia, Canada, Switzerland , Slovakia; daughters of Academician K.I. Satpayev - Doctor of Medical Sciences Kh. Satpayeva and Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences M. Satpayeva, daughter of Academician A. Kh. Margulan - D. Margulan and others.
From the book of reviews of the historical and production museum named after K. I. Satpayev, a branch of Kazakhmys Corporation LLP - Zhezkazgantsvetmet PA. A very impressive museum: well presented and full of interesting exhibits. I hope I can return here for an extended visit.
Richard Luington. British Embassy in Almaty. 2002
I was delighted with what I saw and heard. As a long-time supporter of the Kazakhmys Corporation, I wish the management and workers great success and prosperity. Sincerely.
Chairman of the ecological union "Tabigat" Mels Yeleusizov, 2005.
In memory of a warm meeting with a unique collection of earthly riches of the Kazakh Steppe - the expanses of Sary-Arka, on behalf of a fellow countryman of the Zhezkazgan Country of metallurgists and miners.
Family of the People's Artist of Kazakhstan, Aubakir Ismailov.
With great pleasure I got acquainted with the outstanding collection of the museum, the activities of the Kazakhmys corporation and, most importantly, the use of the rich heritage of K. I. Satpayev in modern science and production. Truly talented and passionate people work here!
Ambassador of Russia to Kazakhstan. Mikhail Bocharnikov. 2010.
The team of the first veteran movement of internationalist warriors in the history of Kazakhstan “We are for the consolidation of the people of Kazakhstan and its prosperity” expresses sincere gratitude for the unique opportunity to see all the wealth and beauty of your region, created by the creator and passed on by older generations to this day.
Commander of the motor rally detachment K. Elubaev. 2009.
With great gratitude on behalf of the team of the Federal State Budgetary Institution TsNIGRI. We wish you further prosperity for the benefit of Kazakhstan and preserving the memory of the history of Zhezkazgan. Such museums help strengthen friendship between our peoples.
Central Research Geological Prospecting Institute for Non-Ferrous and Precious Metals. General Director A. Chernykh. 2021.
Museum Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev address:
Ulytau region, Zhezkazgan, st. Satpayeva, 2; tel. 8 (7102) 744393, 748658
Opening hours: Monday - Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00, break from 12.00 to 13.00
Geographical coordinates of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K. I. Satpayev: N47°47'35 E67°42'50
Director of Historical and Industrial Museum named after K.I. Satpayeva Kenzhal Balkenov.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.