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Historical museum in Kanibadam.

Excursion tours over museums of Tajikistan.
“People usually feel funny, smile and laugh when I tell them
about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric
advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races.
I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed”
Toba Beta.
Travel to the Northern Tajikistan.
The historical-study of local lore museum of the city of Kanibadam is to the address of: 735900 Republic Tajikistan, Sughd region, Kanibadam, street Shobohirova, 15. The museum is based in 1985, the significant part of its collections is collected by local regional specialists and enthusiasts, another has acted from funds of historical-study of local lore museum Sughd region (Khojend).
The museum settles down in a monument of architecture of XVII century - marasah the Mir-Rajab-Dodkho. Madrasah it has been constructed in 1660 from a brick in traditional style and intended for training hundred students.
The building madrasah has the form to a penalty with open a court yard, a two-storeyed portal, with two towers simulating minarets, and a beautiful wooden gate. To the right of an input the mosque is located.
Two other parties of a building have been borrowed by rooms of pupils.
In 1974 - 1983 restoration of a building is spent. In 1985 in him expositions of a new museum have been developed. In a museum more than 6000 units of storage from which the greatest interest is represented with collections of coins and manuscripts, and also monuments of arts and crafts and traditional culture of Tadjiks of Northern Tajikistan.
Exposition halls are placed in 16 premises madrasah and include following sections: flora and fauna of Northern Tajikistan, traditional employment and crafts of Tadjiks (cattle breeding, agriculture, gardening, potter's manufacture, weaving, work on a tree and metal).
The museum represents also traditional samples man's and lady's wear of Tadjiks. The basis of an extensive ethnographic collection is made with the subjects made in second half XIX - the beginning of their XX century organically supplement products modern keramics and woodcarvers.
Unconditional interest is represented with the exposed collections of manuscripts. Significant sections of an exposition of a museum are devoted to history of an establishment in Tajikistan to the Soviet authority, participants of Great Domestic war - to inhabitants of area Kanibadam.
Production of the local industrial enterprises, and also history of medicine and education is presented to expositions in area. The special section of the exposition, devoted to declaration of independence of Tajikistan, is based on posters and the costly presents received by the government of city by various anniversaries and passed in a museum.
Museum label in the Tadjik language. In a museum fact-finding excursions for schoolboys, meetings of pupils with participants of Great Domestic war and veterans of work Kanibadam region spent.
The museum takes part in the city actions devoted Navruz and a Muslim holiday of sacrifice (Idi Kurbon), small exit exhibitions.
The museum is opened from 8.00 till On Saturday and Sunday from 9.00 till. The Break for a dinner from 12.00 till. The Day off - Friday. The Input paid.
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