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History of Almaty.

Excursion tours over Almaty.
«Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved»
Thomas Fuller.
Museums tours in Almaty.
Historians suggested that in ancient times Almaty called as “Almatu” and was the crossing on the Great Silk Road. In notes of chroniclers the name “Almatu” may be read as “Almalyk”.
At the end of XIV century Almaty was inhabited by Kazakhs from Mladshiy Zhuz -Dulat. In 1854 February 4 on the place of the ruined kazakh settlement Almaty was founded the Russian fortification “Zailiskoe”, then it was renamed in Vernoe, in 1867 it got the status of the city.
The foundation of Vernoe is connected with the end of the voluntary joining to Russia. In 1921 February 5 Vernyi was renamed in Almaty. In 1924 the capital of Kazakhstan was transferred in Ak-Mechet (ex Perovsk)(now Kzyl-Orda), but in 1927 April 3 the capital was recovered to Almaty.
In 1879 43 streets was named. In1892 the city grove was founded (now it is Bauma grove). Almaty is multinational city here are more than hundred nationalities. The city is situated at a height of 400 - 900m above sea level.
The total area is more than 170 sqkm. In 1981 December 19 here was born the million inhabitant-Baurzhan Kadyrsizov. The building of Almaty metropolitan was begun to build at the early of 1990s. Today it is the largest project of the southern capital.
In 1994 Alma-Ata was renamed in Almaty. In 1995 July 13 here was built the monument of “Independence”, the height is 31m. In December 10 Almaty lose it’s status of the capital. The center of the republic was replaced to Astana.
Almaty is situated in different climate zones-from continental to subcontinent, closely to archtic (in mountains). The highest peak of Almaty is Talgar (4973m). The first inhabitants of Vernyi were the soldiers who built the fortifications.
The first ornamental plants in Almaty (Vernyi) were made in 1856. Peaches, apricots, grape and another fruit trees were delivered in 1874. 22 ages oaks were planted along the Dostyk prospectus (ex Lenina).
In genuez merchants’ notes, which are dated by VII-X centuries, were mentioned some settlements in the valley of Seven rivers. The historians suggest that one of these settlements was called as Almatu and was the crossing post on the Silk Road. In the notes of chroniclers the name “Almatu” may be read as Almalyk.
The kazakhs of Dulat kin of the Starshyi (Older) Dzhuz settled Almaty in the end of XVI century. In 1854 February 4 the Russian military fortification “Zailiskoye” was built on the place of destroyed kazakh settlement Almaty, which was then renamed in Vernoye, and in 1867 got the status of the city.
The origin of Vernoye linked with consumation of voluntary joining to Russia. In 1921 February 5 Vernyi town was renamed in Almaty. In 1924 the capital of Kazakhstan was removed to Ak-Mechet (ex Perovsk) (nowadays Kzyl-Orda), but in 1927 April 3 the capital was returned to Almaty.
In 1879 to 43 streets were given names. In 1892 the town grove (now the grove named after Baum) was founded. In 1931 here was built the water-supply. In 1933 – the building of the sewage system.
There are more than 100 nationalities live in the city. The city is situated at a height of 400 to 900m above sea level, the total terriory is about 170sqkm. In 1981 December 19 here was born Baurzhan Kadyrsizov the million resident of Almaty.
Almaty residents live by the decree time of the 5 hours zone, putting in 1930 July 16. The time of Almaty overtakes the concrete time on 54 minutes and 12 seconds and the world time (by Greenwich time) on 6 hours.
The building of Almaty metro was begun in the early of 90s. Today this metro is one of the largest long-built instolations of the southern capital. In 1994 Alma-Ata was renamed in Almaty.
The monument “Independence” with a height of 31m was built in 1995 July 13. In 10 of December Almaty lost its capital status. The center of the republic was moved to Astana. Almaty is at the same time in different climate zones – from continental to subcotinental, closed to arctic (in mountains).
The highest peak of Almaty neighboring is Talgar 4973 meters above sea level. The first settlers of Vernyi were soldiers who built fortifications. The first decorative plantings in Almaty (Vernyi) were planted in 1856.
In 1874 here were delivered pitches, grapes, apricot-trees and other fruit trees. This delivering was done on the initiative of forestry expert. He recommended of Vernyi to plant no more than 20 decorative trees (to each resident).
Along the Dostyk Avenue (ex Lenina) were planted oaks.
Rakip Nasyrov. Tthe book «The Great Silk way», Almaty, 1991