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House-Museum of Akhmetbekov in Torgai.

Culture of people of Kazakhstan.
“The ideal of a cultured person is nothing but the ideal of a person who, in any conditions, retains true humanity”
Albert Schweitzer.
Guide to Torgay.
The private house-museum of the national poet Nurkhan Ametbekov is located in the settlement of Turgay in the Zhangeldy district in the southwest of the Kostanay region. The house-museum was opened in October 1983. In the first room of the house-museum there are exhibits dedicated to the life and creative activity of the poet: a membership card of the SP of Kazakhstan, works published in different years, manuscripts, newspaper clippings with Akhmetbekov's poems, photographs of propagandists, followers of Akhmetbekov - S. Abikeev, N. Alpysov and others.
In the second room of the museum, personal items, Akhmetbekov's clothes, and household items are exhibited.
In December 1958, a decade of Kazakh literature and art was held in Moscow, where many cultural figures of Kazakhstan took part. Among them was the poet-improviser Nurkhan Akhmetbekov. The fact that his works won the love and respect of numerous readers is evidenced by the newspapers of those days.
His dastans "Esim Seri", "Karga", "Kulyandam", "Zhasauyl kyrgyny", "Amankeldi" were especially popular. In the historical poem "Amankeldi" N. Akhmetbekov created a vivid image of the national hero, the leader of the people's liberation uprising of 1916 in Turgai. N. Akhmetbekov often spoke in republican and regional aitys of akyns and always won first prizes. His original talent, virtuoso command of the word, sonorous voice conquered numerous connoisseurs of improvisation.
In April 2022, the Week of the book “Torgaydyn toptan ozgan duldili” was held, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of akyn Nurkhan Akhmetbekov - composer, singer, dombra player, improvisational poet, folk akyn.
Geographical coordinates of Turgai village: N49°37'56.07" E63°29'28.84"
Authority and photos
An article about Nurkhan Akhmetbekov in the newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" dated April 2, 1936.
“Collective farmers of the Turgai district of the East Kazakhstan region know their akyn well - Nurkhan Akhmetbekov from the Dzhargenshu collective farm (Tosynovsky village council of the Turgai district). Songs and stories performed by Nurkhan are very popular.
Akyn lovingly collected and recorded Kazakh folk tales, passing from generation to generation, his memory keeps a huge number of these tales. Nurkhan writes 4 poems. Akyn Akhmetbekov recently arrived in Alma-Ata.
The Kazakh Institute of National Culture acquired the manuscripts of three of his poems from Akhmetbekov. One of them, called "Yesim", tells about the adventures of the poor shepherd Yesim, who fled with the bay's daughter Hadish from the wrath of her father.
Yesim, in search of shelter, wanders around the steppe, moving from one bai to another, and everywhere he is met with betrayal and enmity. Akyn writes with anger about the rich who oppressed and betrayed the poor.
Another poem tells about the Kazakh Khan Kenesar Naurzbai. Nurkhan exposes the Bai legend about the kindness and generosity of this Khan, who allegedly fought for the independence of the people. In Nurkhan's poem, Naurzbai appears as a predatory feudal lord who openly robbed the people.
Nurkhan tells how 90 khan's horsemen cut down a mass of poor people on Turgai because the poor refused to pay the predatory tribute. In his third poem, the akyn talks about the days and people of Soviet collective farm Kazakhstan, about the great restructuring of the national economy during collectivization.
This topic is close to Akhmetbekov - he was one of the first in his village to join the toz, until 1926 he was a "malai" for bai Shegenov, whose father Nurkhan worked for 22 years. Nurkhan Akhmetbekov's poems are distinguished by expressive, artistic language, figurativeness, they contain huge wealth of Kazakh folklore in the form of folk proverbs, sayings, sayings, songs.
The Kazakh Institute of National Culture decided to publish the works of akyn Nurkhan Akhmetbekov."
"Songs of Akyn Akhmetbekov". A.M.