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Home » Dashoguz velayat monuments. Tours and excursions to monuments of ancient Kunya-Urgench.

Il Arslan mausoleum.

Tours on historical sights of Kunya-Urgench.

"The tradition of architecture expressed in the design and craftsmanship of Kunya-Urgench has been influential in the wider region to the south and southwest i.e. in Iran and Afghanistan, and later in the architecture of the Mogul Empire (India, XVIth century)"

Tours on historical sights of ancient Old Kunya-Urgench.

The mausoleum of a Khorezm Shakh of Il-Arslan called also by Fakhred-dina Razi mausoleum - other well-known building of the cultural and historical reserve Old Kunya-Urgench. One of the first monumental structures of Central Asia built in the second half of the XIIth century.
Known also the magnificent relief ornament of the main facade which is cut out on a terracotta and a unique tent with 12 sides. Fakhreddin Razi was scientist-theologian. The mausoleum Il Arslan, the middle of the XIIth century, is located near Tekesh Mausoleum.
This monument is decorated with the conic dome characteristic of Khorezm architectural school. This the oldest of the escaped buildings Gurgandzha. The unique architectural construction constructed in the second half of the XIIth century also has the name "Fakhreddin Razi' mausoleum".
Actually it is the mausoleum of a Khorezm Shakh of Il-Arslan (1156 - 1172). The mausoleum remained up to now. The form of the mausoleum differs in the clearness and simplicity of composition. A cube, on it twelve sides a prism of a drum and a dome in the form of twelve sides of a tent.
There are no similar constructions with a cut tent in Central Asia. The mausoleum is known first of all magnificent a terracotta for furniture of the main facade. The square building in the plan is focused on parts of the world, is turned by the main portal facade on the East.
The general height of the room of the mausoleum twice exceeds height of its walls. The mausoleum Il-Arslana - one of the first monumental structures of Central Asia. The dodecahedral dome of Il-Arslan decorated with a geometrical ornament with blue tiles - one of the most ancient among the coverings of a pyramidal form which escaped in the territory of Central Asia.
The mausoleum Il-Arslan was manually decorated with the relief carved terracotta expressed in an intricate ornament: vegetable and geometrical patterns.

Il Arslan mausoleum.Il Arslan mausoleum.Il Arslan mausoleum.

On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport. "Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.

Alexander Petrov