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Ilgynly depe ancient settlemen.

Tours on historical monuments of Turkmenistan.
"It allows to date leaving to Ilgynly-depa approximately for 3100 - 2900 BC. At the cumulative power of deposits, about 14 meters, the settlement had to be founded at the end of V - the beginning IV thousand BC. As on one site of the settlement as a result of archaeological researches will not reach the continent, the possibility of an arrangement of the earliest occupation layer significantly lower han the level of the plain is not excluded, and the settlement could be founded, at least, in the middle of the V millennium B.C."
Golden tour in Turkmenistan.
The archaeological monument of an era of an eneolit, is located in east part of a piedmont strip of Kopetdagh, in 240 km, on the southeast from Ashgabat. Systematic excavation is conducted since 1986 under the leadership of V. M. Masson and G. F. Solovyov here.
Now it is the become swollen hill with gentle slopes of the wrong oval outlines, about 14 hectares and about height of 12 meters high (in the southwest) and 14 meters (in the northeast) over the modern level of the plain.
More sublime northern part smoothly passes into the main massif of the settlement stretching to the South. In IV thousand BC the plain around to Ilgynly-depa created by clay deposits was irrigated by the small river Meana-tea.
The ceramics with a list of geoksyursky style appearing in two most top construction horizons to Ilgynly-depa is found also in the lower layer of Shakhri-Sokhte in Sistan where it is found together with the proto-Elam materials.
It allows to date leaving to Ilgynly-depa approximately for 3100 - 2900 BC. At the cumulative power of deposits, about 14 meters, the settlement had to be founded at the end of V - the beginning IV thousand BC.
As on one site of the settlement as a result of archaeological researches will not reach the continent, the possibility of an arrangement of the earliest occupation layer significantly lower han the level of the plain is not excluded, and the settlement could be founded, at least, in the middle of the V millennium BC.
Good quality of ordinary architecture is interesting: roominess and quality of finishing of premises in houses, improvement and the sizes of domestic sites are incomparable to similar indicators of simultaneous monuments of the region.
Finds of a large number of copper products demonstrate the high level of development of metallurgy of copper. The abundance of the copper objects found in borders of the settlement is unique for an eneolit of the Southern Turkmenistan and adjacent territories.
High level was reached also by stone-cutting production what production by masters to Ilgynly-depa of stone statues testifies to. Tells creation of a significant amount of subjects to not utilitarian appointment about wellbeing of a community.
The material aspect of spiritual life of inhabitants of the settlement available to studying is surprisingly rich and colourful. Wall lists, details of an interior of ceremonial rooms and clay anthropomorphous plasticity show to Ilgynly-depa the high level of development of art skill of inhabitants of a community.
On Ilgynly-depa 25 architectural complexes with an original interior which main function was a holding rituals are opened. The saturation of these structures objects and details of high semiotics value, gave the grounds to researchers to call such rooms "sanctuaries with red benches".
Ilgynlynsky sanctuaries represent a bright phenomenon of architecture of an era of the developed eneolit. Such important components their interior as curbstones, a relief and color decor of walls, not to mention lists and pro-volume of a bull, are simply unique.
Separate details of internal furniture of sanctuaries find prototypes and parallels in monuments of the Geoksyury oasis and Northern Iran. In the Geoksyursky oasis subsquare buildings with black colored floors were dug out on the settlements of Yalangach-depe, Mullali-depe, Geoksyure 9 and Geoksyure I.
Judging by excavation on Dashlydzhi-depe, elements of planning, characteristic of cult complexes, are noticeable already in the period of Namazga of I. Possibly, go back to dzheytunsky culture. But in the western settlements of the around Kopetdag plain of close analogies to Ilgynly architecture is not present.
"Religious and spiritual monuments to Central Asia". Author M. Hashimov. Saga publishing house, 2001.