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Ili River Canyon, Altyn-Emel Park, Chilik River Valley.

Author's Tours by Alexander Petrov in Almaty.
"Adventure is not the kind of romance that some people think about. It cannot be gleaned from a book. Adventure is always something that is experienced, and to make it part of your "I", the most important thing is to be worthy of living it, to live it without fear"
Blaise Cendrars. Swiss and French writer, poet, war correspondent.
Brief description of jeep tour to Ili River canyons:
Almaty - Ili River - Konayev town - Tamgaly-Tas petroglyphs - Besshatyr burial mounds - Altyn-Emel Park - Zharkent town - Derevyannoye Lake - Charyn Canyon - Kurtogay tract - Aktogay tract - Kolsay Kelderi Park - Zhenishke village - Chilik River valley - Kyzylauz pass - Asy plateau - Turgen gorge - Issyk village - Almaty.
Route length: 1458 km.
Active route length: 25 km
Season: from June 1 to October 15.
Best time for tour: July, August.
Tour duration: 9 days, 8 nights.
Detailed program of trip to Northern Tien-Shan mountains and Chilik River valley:
Best Tours in Kazakhstan.
Day 1. Almaty.
Arrival in Almaty, meeting at the airport, transfer to the hotel, accommodation. Start of the excursion around Almaty. Visit to the main bazaar of the city - "Green Bazaar" (1875), here you can feel the exoticism of the eastern market. After the bazaar, visit to the brand store of the confectionery factory "Rakhat" (1942), in the store you are surrounded by the kingdom of chocolate and sweets.
Walking tour to the Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen (1868): visit to the Ascension Cathedral by architect Andrei Zenkov (1904), visit to the memorial of Glory and the eternal flame (1975), visit to the museum of musical instruments (1980). Transfer to the National History Museum (1985), visit to galleries and exhibition halls, the "golden" room of the Saks.
This museum contains the gold of the Saks, which was found during excavations of the burial place of the Golden Man on the Issyk mounds in the vicinity of the village of Issyk. Lunch at a national restaurant. After lunch, a walk to Mount Kok-Tobe. Transfer to the Kok-Tobe cable car station near the Palace of the Republic.
Ascent by cable car to Mount Kok-Tobe (1070 meters above sea level, 1.7 km, 5 minutes). A walk in the vicinity of Mount Kok-Tobe. From the observation deck, a view of the city and the mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau opens. Visit to the zoo, a monument to the Beatles, a souvenir shop, an art gallery. Transfer to the bus station.
Transfer to Republic Square. Walk around the square, inspection of the monument to Independence of Kazakhstan (1996). Transfer to the building of the Central Department Store at the intersection of Zhibek Zholy and Ablai Khan streets, a walking tour along the Almaty "Arbat", here are galleries of paintings by Almaty artists. Visit to the shopping center "Silk Way", shopping around the store. End of the excursion. Dinner at a local national restaurant and overnight.
Day 2. Almaty - Besshatyr burial mounds - Basshi village (448 km).
Breakfast. Early departure from Almaty - town of Konayev - canyon of the Ili River (95 km). The road from Almaty lies to the northeast, on the northern side of the highway between Almaty and town of Konayev stretch the sands of Moyunkum. We pass through town of Konayev, known for its gambling zone, numerous casinos that line the road and then across the bridge built over the dam of the Kapshagay hydroelectric power station.
When crossing the bridge, the water surface is clearly visible on the right Kapshagay reservoir surrounded by steep rocky banks. Transfer along a dirt road to the right bank of the Ili River. Visit three panoramic places with views of the Ili River canyon.
Further transfer: Ili River canyon - Kerbulak valley - Tamgaly-Tas valley (20 km). After the ascent from the Ili Valley, our road turns towards the regional center of Bakanas, we pass the steppes and soon begin the descent into the wide valley of the Ili River, from the descent the blue ribbon of the river is clearly visible.
Arrival at the Tamgaly-Tas tract. Walk in the surrounding area, viewing the rock carvings of Buddha, there are 6 images here. Ascent to a panoramic platform dominating the surrounding area, from here there are beautiful views of the southern and northern parts of the Ili River.
Transfer: Ili River - Shengeldy village - 1 cordon of the Altyn-Emelsky Park (92 km). We pass the first railway station Kapchagay after Almaty and from here our path turns to the southeast, to the valley of the Ili River. We pass the village of Shengeldy and soon arrive at the first cordon of the Altyn-Emel Park. Passing through the formalities of entering the park.
Transfer: 1 post of the Altyn-Emel Park - Besshatyr burial mounds (31 km). The ancient Besshatyr burial mounds date back to the early Iron Age (VII - VI centuries BC). There are ancient burials here. The Besshatyr burial mounds consist of thirty-one burial mounds, in the largest - "Tsarsky", the leader of the Sakas is buried. A walk in the surrounding area.
Transfer: Besshatyr burial mounds - 1 post of the Altyn-Emel Park (31 km).
Transfer: 1 post - Shengeldy village - Saryozek village - pass - Altyn-Emel - Basshi village (179 km).
The next interesting place on our way will be the Altyn-Emel pass, a stop at the pass, a short walk in the surrounding area. Arrival in Basshi village, accommodation in the guest house "Aigeykum", dinner, overnight.
Day 3. Altyn-Emel Park. Singing Dune - Aktau Mountains (252 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Basshi village - Shagan cordon - Mynbulak cordon - Singing Dune (48 km). A walk in the surrounding area of the sand mountain, if desired, an ascent along loose sand to the top of the sand dune.
Transfer: Singing Dune - Valikhanov spring (2 km), descent to the spring. Here, according to legend, the Kazakh traveler Shokan Valikhanov stopped at the spring, a walk in the surrounding area.
Transfer: Valikhanov spring - Oshaktas stone steles (8 km). A walk in the surrounding area of the Oshaktas stone steles.
Transfer: Oshaktas - Mynbulak cordon (1 km). At the Mynbulak cordon, you can visit a small pond inhabited by a small family of carp and other fish, ancient willows, 100 years old, will also attract your attention, in their shade you can relax after visiting the Singing Dune and drink cold water from the spring. Lunch on the way..
Further transfer: Mynbulak - Shagan cordon - Nurum village - Aktobe village - Aktau mountains (118 km).
We hope that we will be lucky and during our travels through the park we will meet a herd of Turkmen kulans and rare goitered gazelles. After the Shagan cordon, we pass two small villages and after them our path lies to the east between the Aktau mountains and the Ili River in the east.
Gradually, a country road leads us to the mountains and the further path goes along the southern slopes of the Katu-Tau and Aktau mountains. Arrival at the multi-colored Aktau mountains, a walk up the gorge.
Transfer: Aktau - Katu-Tau gorge (14 km). Arrival at the Katu-Tau rock massif, walks in the surrounding area.
Transfer: Katu-Tau - Kosbastau cordon-valley (32 km). There is a small artificial pond and several century-old willows at the cordon. A walk in the surrounding area.
Transfer: Kosbastau - Basshi village (29 km). Arrival in Basshi, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 4. Basshi - Zharkent (142 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Basshi – East Aktau Mountains (76 km). East Aktau is the spurs of the Aktau Range, through which a road is laid. We will easily be able to take short walks near the car, admiring the magnificent landscapes with outcrops of multi-colored clays.
Transfer: Eastern Aktau - Tiger Mountains (18 km). Tiger Mountains have a geographical name - Dolantau Mountains. One of the most interesting natural attractions, composed of chalk deposits with a variety of colors. The mountains are interesting and picturesque with rare landscapes. The age of mountain deposits is 60 - 70 million years. Here you can find fossil flora, representatives of subtropical forms of ancient plants. Lunch on the way.
Transfer: Tiger Mountains - Koktal village - Zharkent town (48 km). Our further path lies to the administrative center of the Panfilov district - Zharkent village, which is located 35 kilometers from the Chinese border and the Khorgos checkpoint. Visit to the architectural and art museum "Zharkent Mosque" (1892), Zharkent Orthodox Church (1892). Accommodation at the hotel, overnight stay, dinner.
Day 5. Zharkent - Kolsay Gorge (256 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Zharkent - Koktal village - Ili River - Wooden Lake (50 km). Walk in the vicinity of the lake. The lake is surrounded from the west and north by the advancing sands of the Karabaskum Desert, which are located west of the lake. From the east and south, the lake is surrounded by tugai and turanga thickets. The Karaeren River flows out of the lake and continues its way to the Ili River.
Transfer: Derevyannoe Lake - Chundzha village - Charyn River - Charyn Canyon (79 km). Walk in the vicinity, descent into the canyon.
Transfer: Charyn Canyon - Kurtogay valley (24 km). Walk in the vicinity of the valley.
Transfer: Kurtogay valley - Aktogay valley on the Charyn River (10 km). Walk in the vicinity.
Transfer: Aktogay valley – Zhalanash village – Kaindy lake (72 km). We pass Karabulak village and our path lies along the Kaindy river to the lake of the same name. We leave the car in the parking lot and continue on foot (700 meters) to the lake. Walk in the vicinity of the lake.
Transfer: Kaindy lake – Saty village – guest house in Kolsay gorge (21 km). Arrival at the guest house, accommodation, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 6. Kolsay lake – I – Kolsay lake – II (16 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: guest house – Kolsay lake – I (8 km). Today we will take a walk to Kolsay lake – II located at an altitude of 1819 meters above sea level (8 + 8 = 16 km). The trail runs along the left bank of the lake, from the trail there are magnificent views of the Kolsay Lakes and the surrounding mountains.
The Kolsay Lake - I is home to fish - king trout. The Kolsay River flows into the lake from the south, the lake is more than two kilometers long, the depth of the lake is up to 80 meters. The most beautiful Kolsay Lake - II is surrounded by high mountains, the Kolsay River flows into the lake from the south. Lunch on Kolsay Lake - II. Return to Kolsay Lake - I. Transfer: Kolsay Lake I - guest house (8 km). Dinner, overnight.
Day 7. Kolsay Gorge - Zhenishke village (172 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kolsay Gorge - Zhalanash village - Zhanatalap village - Zhenishke village (83 km). Arrival in Zhenishke village, accommodation in a guest house.
Transfer: Zhenishke - Biesuimes River (5 km). Today our route lies in the upper reaches of the Chilik Rivers. We cross the bridge to the right bank of the Zhenishke River and begin to climb the slope of a small ridge, which is located between the Biesuimes and Kurkoba rivers. Soon we reach a local landmark - an outcrop of reddish clays that frame the slopes of the Biesuimes River.
Further transfer: Biesuimes River - Aksholak Ridge - Ashykdala valley - Shybyn valley - Atzharganzhota valley (38 km).
We climb to the interfluve of Chilik and Zhenishke, this area is similar to a high-mountain plateau located on the southern slopes of the Zailiysky Alatau and Sarytau ridges. Picturesque, open space with magnificent, unique views to the south, where the majestic Kungey Alatau ridge stretches from west to east.
Throughout our journey we will observe the glaciers and peaks of Kungey Alatau, which means Motley Mountains. Ahead is the Akkiya Pass, 2933 meters above sea level, the path through which leads to the Chilik River Valley. In the Atzharganzhota tract, panoramic views of the Chilik River Valley begin.
The Chilik River Valley stretches for 137 kilometers between the northern slopes of the Kungey Alatau ridge and the southern slopes of the Zailiysky Alatau ridge. This is an important river, which in the summer months serves as irrigation for agricultural crops in the Almaty region, flows into the Kapshagay Reservoir.
At the main panoramic point, the difference in altitude between the Chilik River is 1046 meters. Over millions of years, the river has carved a deep canyon, forming a grandiose valley that begins from the glaciers of the Chilik-Kemin isthmus. Lunch with a view of the Chilik River Valley. Walks in the surrounding area.
Transfer: Atzharganzhota valley - Zhenishke village (43 km). Arrival in the village, dinner, overnight.
Day 8. Zhenishke - Almaty (172 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Zhenishke - Kyzylauz pass (27 km). From the village of Zhenishke, a gradual ascent begins along the southern slope of the Sarytau ridge to the Kyzylauz pass located at an altitude of 3,200 meters above sea level. Stop at the pass, walk in the surrounding area.
To the north and northwest, magnificent, mesmerizing panoramas open up from the pass, in the south rises the snow-capped ridge of the Zailiysky Alatau and a majestic panorama of the Kungey Alatau mountain range, in the east you can see the Toruaygyr mountains.
Transfer: Kyzylauz pass - Asy river - Asy pass (32 km). Along the way, we will see Kazakh nomads who have settled with their yurts in small gorges and on the banks of small rivers. Here you can also see the Kazakh "jailau" (translated from Kazakh - high in the mountains, an open place where horses, sheep, cows are grazed).
On our way we will often come across shepherds' yurts and their tents, grazing horses and sheep. We ford the Asy River, the low Koktobe Mountains remain behind us. Stop at the Asy Pass. The pass offers beautiful views of the surrounding mountains and the valley of the Asy River and the jailau, which stretch from west to east. In the south and west, the snow-capped mountains of the Trans-Ili Alatau rise.
Transfer: Asy Pass - Asy-Turgen Observatory (3 km). From the pass, along the road we move to the southwest and soon in front of us is a wide plateau in the center of which is the Asy-Turgen Observatory. Walks.
Transfer: Asy-Turgen Observatory – Asy Pass – Batan valley – Turgen village – Issyk village – Almaty (110 km). After the Asy Pass, our path continues along the plateau and soon the road turns into the Turgen gorge, along which we arrive in Almaty through villages. Accommodation at the hotel, farewell dinner, overnight stay.
Day 9.
Breakfast. Transfer to the airport, departure from Almaty.
Author's program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and use of material only with the permission of the author.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.