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Islam Кhodja Madrasah.

Ancient monuments of Khiva on the Great Silk Way of Uzbekistan.
“The one who will be trained in this madrasa will reach the heights of knowledge, comprehend all the secrets of being, spreading the light of knowledge around him”
The inscription above the entrance to the madrasah.
Excursion tour and travels in Khiva.
Тheгe is а herb garden оn the south side of the Abdullah Кhan madrasa and beyond it, across an ореn space, the IsIam Кhodja madrasa and minaret (1908 and1910 respectively).
Islam-Khodja was the first vizier of Khiva khanate at Muhammad Rahim-khan II (1863 - 1910) and his son Esfendiyar-khan (1910 - 1920). He financed construction of ginnery, hospital, pharmacy, post and telegraph office and secular school in Khiva.
In 1908 - 1910 Islam-Khodja built the ensemble in the southeastern part of Ichan-Qala. It consisted of the smallest in Khiva madrassah and the highest minaret imitating ancient minarets ofthe XI - XII centuries.
The top platform at height of 45 m is the highest observation point in Khiva. Horizontal belts of dark blue, white, blue and green glazed mosaic decorate the minaret. Its skylight has a stalactite cornice and ceramic lattices-pandjara.
The small courtyard ofthe madrassah has forty two hudjras. Decor ofthe main facade formed a good background for the minaret: blue and white majolica, tympans and glazed ornament.
The mosque occupies the southeastern sector of madrassah. Its low heavy dome balances a vertical ofthe minaret. Majolica and carved ganch decorate mihrab niche ofthe mosque. Islam Кhodja was Asfandiar Кhan's grand vizier and father in law, and the khanate's last and mayby only great progressive.
The clergy hated him for it. Тhey persuaded the khan he was а menace to royal autholity and had him assassinated as he returned оnе night bу carliage to his country residence. Неге was а true People's martyr.
His madrasa is the honoured home of а Museum of Applied Art, which includes Lenin's face оn carpets and vases but also some wonderful Arabic calligraphy.
«Religious and spiritual monuments of the Central Asia». The author of M. Khashimov. Publishing house "Saga", 2001. Belenitski A.M., Bentovitch I.B., Bolshakov O.G. «Medieval city of Central Asia»., 1973, Leningrad: