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Issyk settlement.

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«Before the stood square
You silently said goodbye to me,
This city was wet and grey.
This city my native»
Oleg Dmitriev.
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The settlement Issyk is an administrative centre since 1932 of area Enbekshikazakh of Almaty province. It is located in 55 kilometers to the south from Almaty, on right I protect the rivers Issyk. It is based in 1854.
With 1867 for 1918 was called as village Nadezhdinskay, with 1918 on 1968 - village Issyk. In days of Soviet Union in settlement there was a factory rubber goods, fruit cannery, milk plant, a textile-garment factory.
In vicinities of settlement Issyk it is located Issyk burial mounds - one of the largest monuments of history and material culture sakie the tribes lived in territory of Kazakhstan in V a century B.C.
As a result of the spent excavation in 1969 - 1970 funeral chambers have been found out, in one of them the young soldier sakie in gold smart clothes has been buried, household goods notable sakie, ornaments, figured ladles, silver, bronze cups and bowls in the same place are found.
On one of silver bowls the inscription consisting of 26 signs known under the name «Issyk letters» is found out. Found in Issyk a barrow subjects are a valuable material of scientific studying for many branches of the humanities - the most ancient history, history of material culture, art, writing, history of language, palaeoanthropology Kazakhstan, were shown in GDR, Egypt, Japan.
In Issyk there is a central manor of the same state farm. The honourable citizen of city - R.T.Tokataev, Hero Soviet The union. Through Issyk there passes a highway of republican value.
The brief encyclopedia Kazakh SSR, volume 2, the Nature, Alma-Ata, 1990.
Dmitry Sokolenko, Sofia Konstantinovas
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