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Kairakkum reservoir.

Rest on Kairakum a water basin.
“Everything in excess is opposed to nature”
Explorer in Tajikistan.
Kairakum a water basin - one of the largest in Tajikistan (Sughd of province), named among tourists by the Tadjik sea. Kairakum the water basin, is created for regulation of a drain of the river Syr-Darya by construction of a dam and Hydroelectric power station.
Filling with water has begun in 1950. The general capacity of a water basin - 4160 million meters cubic, useful volume 2600 million meter cubic. The length it makes 75 kilometers, width of a water basin - from 8 up to 20 kilometers, the maximal depth of 25 meters.
In the winter the water basin freezes. Length of dams on a crest of 1205 meters, height of 32 meters. Kairakum the water basin is obliged by the name to a word «Kairakum», that «The stony desert» means.
Today this popular place of summer holiday where it is possible to fish, bathe and sunbathe. On its coast "The Tadjik sea" is located a little attractive, having a corresponding infrastructure, sanatoria, rest houses, a tourist center.
The Tourist guidebook on monuments of Khudjand. 2012.
Photos are used:
<http: // and Alexander Petrov.